WWE RAW Reaction - The Boss Wins back the Belt
Check out my great, good, bad, and pathetic from last night's RAW.
- First off, Lana.... definition of GREATNESS!!!!!
- Now to the show. The main event was great and while I felt winning the title on PPV in Boston would have been better, this was a great moment for Sasha. I love her and thinks she deserves it. Charlotte was great too.
- I know some wont like ot but i don't care, i loved the Owens Jericho and New Day segment. Great performances by all involved. Chris Jericho has been on fire with his character and comedy lately. The banter with Xavier was some of the best comedy in a long while.
- Loved the Cruiserweight match between TJP and Kendrick. Great video package and great action packed match. Great job.
- The Crusierweights were really good tonight. I really enjoyed Tony Nease vs Rich Swan. Nease looked great and these too brought the heat. Very entertaining.
- I really liked the Rollins sit down interview. He needed that, in the backn edited, no crowd. He wasn't whiny and annoying. He admitted that he's alienated people and has no faith from the fans. I liked it because it was honest. He said now his eyes are wide open.
- So now the Club wants to be serious? This company has no clue what they are doing. Just a month ago the Club were in dumb ass segments talking about hurting Big Es balls. And then they lost 3 straight to New Day. But now they want to be serious? What? And they display that by going back and forth with the Golden Truth. Stupid.
- They just couldn't allow Rusev to destroy Reigns and that be it. The man had to comeback and lay out Rusev before the segment was even over. Smh. They are wrestling in Hell in a Cell, and I get that match for these two, but it would make so much more sense with better execution. Reigns doesn't have to always outsmart the heels.