What You Should have Watched Last Night:
Wednesday Night 11-4-15
Black-ish was off this week, but we had the return of SVU and Empire, and a fun episode of Survivor. Check out last night's review.
This week on Survivor, we were treated to the biggest merge in history, 13 people, and I was so happy. I love the game when it finally gets down to the individual aspect. I felt so good for Savage cause his ass was in trouble. Lol.
I can't sand Kass. Never liked her, always thought she was such a fake villain and never entertaining whatsoever, so I'm so glad they got rid of her fake ass. Thank goodness. She tried to come for Tasha, and that wasn't cool. You don't come for my girl and get away with it. Next week, I hope they take a shot at the golden boy Joe. He annoys me.
Episode rating: Very Good
I can't sand Kass. Never liked her, always thought she was such a fake villain and never entertaining whatsoever, so I'm so glad they got rid of her fake ass. Thank goodness. She tried to come for Tasha, and that wasn't cool. You don't come for my girl and get away with it. Next week, I hope they take a shot at the golden boy Joe. He annoys me.
Episode rating: Very Good
So this week on Empire, Precious was getting some. Damnditt mine eyes, Damnditt mine eyes!!!! This show sure knows how to piss me off doesn't it. Lol.
I finally enjoyed a song this season!!! I liked the song Lucious and Jamal were working on. I would buy that. The whole kidnapping thing was so stupid, so Ima act like I didn't see it, but best part was when Hakeem showed up at Anika house and gave it to her. And the fact that she was falling apart before it happened and thought she was on the come up afterwards, and got rejected. Lol. I loved that part.
The thug girl rapper made me laugh too.
Episode rating; Good
I finally enjoyed a song this season!!! I liked the song Lucious and Jamal were working on. I would buy that. The whole kidnapping thing was so stupid, so Ima act like I didn't see it, but best part was when Hakeem showed up at Anika house and gave it to her. And the fact that she was falling apart before it happened and thought she was on the come up afterwards, and got rejected. Lol. I loved that part.
The thug girl rapper made me laugh too.
Episode rating; Good
The return of SVU focused on a young girl who was raped and impregnated by the family Pastor. I don't know, but I feel like I have seen this story on the show before. Maybe it about the catholic church priest before, but same concept.
From the first scene where the girl promised herself to her father until marriage, I just knew he was the father of her child. But they threw us monkey wrench, so that was good. then I just knew it was the brother, but that wasn't it either.The fact that the Bakers almost allowed their daughter to marry her rapist was crazy. 14 years old.
Episode Rating: Good
From the first scene where the girl promised herself to her father until marriage, I just knew he was the father of her child. But they threw us monkey wrench, so that was good. then I just knew it was the brother, but that wasn't it either.The fact that the Bakers almost allowed their daughter to marry her rapist was crazy. 14 years old.
Episode Rating: Good