CC's Reality TV Wrap Up: 3/20/20
Down Goes the Queen!
If you are a fan of reality television and are not watching this season of Survivor, Winners at War, what is wrong with you!! Please, stop whatever you're doing, go to CBS On Demand and binge this season!
Last week's episode featured not only two of the greatest players to ever play the game be eliminated on the same night, but also one of the greatest blindsides in the history of the series! |
Watch what happened for yourself!
With one move, Denise became a legend. She had a great win, and was very underrated in my opinion coming into this season, largely because on her season her tribe lost so much and many labeled her as a winner of a bad season. But Denise showed just how intelligent she is and how calming her social game is. She fooled Sandra. There is no other way to put that. She dooped her, and not only became an icon with the move, but also a huge contender to win.
Don't get me wrong, while this was a perfect blindside move by Denise, this was an all time blunder by Sandra. Sandra got greedy and basically tried to get too fancy by obtaining Denise's fire tokens, getting rid of Jeremy, but also doing it in a way where she could not be revealed as a snake, and Denise gets all the blowback of the move. It was way too much and because that her legacy takes a hit. She had an idol which expired that night, and all she had to do was play her idol, stick with her alliance, and she moves on with no issue. But the Queen got greedy and Denise took out arguably the greatest player of all time, in embarrassing fashion.