The Road to Dallas: Plans Change, So Nothing Changes
Today we begin a new series here at CausionCreations, where we will discuss various obstacles and pit stops, on the road to Wrestlemania 32, in Dallas Texas.
This years Wrestlemania is expected to be the most attended Wrestlemania in history, with over 90,000 people packed into the Dallas AT&T Stadium. So of course, the plan all along was to present a jammed packed show filled with matches that are must see and worthy filling a stadium of that magnitude.
As early as last January, rumors were flying about proposed matches. But every single match, and I mean every single match has been nixed and every plan forced to change. Lets take a look at some of the ideas floated around by the WWE booking committee.
This years Wrestlemania is expected to be the most attended Wrestlemania in history, with over 90,000 people packed into the Dallas AT&T Stadium. So of course, the plan all along was to present a jammed packed show filled with matches that are must see and worthy filling a stadium of that magnitude.
As early as last January, rumors were flying about proposed matches. But every single match, and I mean every single match has been nixed and every plan forced to change. Lets take a look at some of the ideas floated around by the WWE booking committee.
Of course, Austin has been adamant that he's not coming back, and that this match was never going to happen. But this was at one time the most talked about match for Mania 32 possibility. But we soon found it wasn't going to happen.
When Taker won at SummerSlam by cheating, the logical next step was a third match between the two, at Wrestlemania. It would have been perfect, as Taker cheated and Heyman could complain for months about how his client was screwed. Taker could even screw Brock out of the title down the road. This match was indeed on the books for Mania 32, then one day Vince woke up and decided to end it at Hell and a Cell. He said he had another plan for Lesnar at Mania. Something he had been working on for awhile. I bet if he knew what he knows now, he would have stuck with his original plan.
This match was actually supposed to happen at Wrestlemania 30, two years ago, and they were ready to shoot the angle the night after Wrestlemania 29. But Rock got hurt after his match with Cena, and the movie studios got concerned. In fact, Rock has not entered the ring after that, as that injury has scared of movie producers from wanting him to enter the ring in fear that he will get hurt and ruin their filming schedule. This wasn't the only match that was ruined due to movie issues.
At Mania 31, this match was set up and at one point it was a strong possibility. Then we heard it could even be two singles matches, which was kind of confusing in my opinion. But Between Rock and Ronda's movie commitments and insurance issues, this was nixed, and new plans had to be made. This really would have been great to have Ronda and the Rock do media together building up Mania. Would have been huge.
Now, anybody who is real wrestling fan has dreamed of this match for years, and immediately thought of it as soon as Sting signed with the WWE. But instead we got Sting vs HHH for some strange reason last year. Word is Vince never liked the idea of the match, as both guys are older and he believed it wouldn't be good. I say bullshit. The ring entrances, and spectacle alone would have been super memorable and special. And this match still could have happened, until Sting got hurt by Seth and now possibly may be too hurt to ever wrestle again. Damn.
If you watched the product all Fall, you know this was the direction they were building to for Mania. Seth even took HHH's pedigree as a finisher. He said he was better than HHH ever was. He had a statue made of himself. HHH had Sting sing his praises before facing Sting. This was all to set up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. And then Seth got hurt and changed many things. Then HHH was left with no opponent and no clear direction.
This match was definitely on the books before Seth Rollins went down hurt and things had to be shuffled. Cena was going to be the guy to put Reigns over on the big stage and solidify him as "the guy". But HHH had now lost two opponents and we all know HHH had to make sure he was in a featured match at the biggest show, maybe ever. So this was nixed, and new feud and the Authority vs Roman Reigns story line that we are in the midst of, was born.
This was the time to finally pull the trigger on the long talked about Cena vs Taker Mania match. People have wondered for years when these two would cross paths again, and finally, this was going to be the year. They fought before Cena became the superstar he is today, but since then they have been kept apart. this no doubt would've been a major match to promote, and really made the card special. But then, John Cena got hurt a few weeks ago, and all plans were forced to change AGAIN!!! Snake-bitten is not the word for this one.
So one might say that with all the injuries and all the issues that changed plans, who could blame HHH for booking himself to win the WWE title at the Royal Rumble and to main event the biggest Wrestlemania of all time against Roman Reigns. After all, he's going to lose and "put Reigns over" in the end, so its all good. Yea, right.
Sure, HHH will most likely lose and Reigns will be champion after Mania, most likely. But why was that the best option? Why was taking the belt off Roman Reigns, weeks after he won it back form Sheamus, the best option. And why was the COO the best option to capture it. What's wrong with Lesnar, Owens, or Ambrose being the guy to feud in a main event program with Reigns? Or if HHH vs Reigns is the match, why must the title be involved. Why couldn't someone else win the Rumble and those two battle separately. Why must the Authority be the central focus of every show?
Well the answer is simple. In the WWE, nothing really changes. Yes, different bodies are plugged in and out, but at the end of the day, its all about Vince, Hunter and Steph, and the rest are simply pawns on the board. They only trust and revere guys who are already made, when they should be attempting to make the guys the fans care about into superstars who can carry these big shows, when the old guys and part timers don't come back.
This Mania's success or failure should not hinge on, will Austin, Rock, Rousey, Sting, and Taker be there. It should be about getting over Owens, Ambrose, Styles, Baylor, Joe, Zayn, Rusev, Wyatt, and Reigns. These will be the guys that will be relied upon to carry this company 52 weeks a year.
Over the next several weeks, we will dive more into topics like this, heading to the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. Be sure to join us next week for part 2.
Sure, HHH will most likely lose and Reigns will be champion after Mania, most likely. But why was that the best option? Why was taking the belt off Roman Reigns, weeks after he won it back form Sheamus, the best option. And why was the COO the best option to capture it. What's wrong with Lesnar, Owens, or Ambrose being the guy to feud in a main event program with Reigns? Or if HHH vs Reigns is the match, why must the title be involved. Why couldn't someone else win the Rumble and those two battle separately. Why must the Authority be the central focus of every show?
Well the answer is simple. In the WWE, nothing really changes. Yes, different bodies are plugged in and out, but at the end of the day, its all about Vince, Hunter and Steph, and the rest are simply pawns on the board. They only trust and revere guys who are already made, when they should be attempting to make the guys the fans care about into superstars who can carry these big shows, when the old guys and part timers don't come back.
This Mania's success or failure should not hinge on, will Austin, Rock, Rousey, Sting, and Taker be there. It should be about getting over Owens, Ambrose, Styles, Baylor, Joe, Zayn, Rusev, Wyatt, and Reigns. These will be the guys that will be relied upon to carry this company 52 weeks a year.
Over the next several weeks, we will dive more into topics like this, heading to the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. Be sure to join us next week for part 2.