CC's Big Brother 20 Update Thread
The greatest reality show ever, Big Brother, is back for its 20th season on CBS, and once again Causioncreations has all the up to date news and details. This year, we will be bring you our thoughts in various forms, through print, audio, and video, so be sure to bookmark this thread and come back for the latest updates. Everything you need will be right here!
Updated Cast
Thread Includes Spoilers
*****Updated Most Recent to Oldest****
*****Updated Most Recent to Oldest****
Update for Wednesday, 8/22/18
Yea, Scottie is toast. On to next week.
Update for Sunday, 8/19/18
What did you really expect? Be real, did you actually expect this fucking idiot Faysal to do something intelligent when he got in power? This dense moron basically did the dirty work of Level 6 and he actually thinks it was a good move for him. He nominates the only male on his side. THE ONLY ONE. The one guy, Scottie, who should have been his number #1 ally, along with Hailey. But instead, he allows JC to fucking to run his HOH and the dummy Haileigh just goes along with this bullshit. They both deserve to lose.
And just like Bayley, another idiot, the first thing Faysal does after winning HOH is tell Tyler, a man who has betrayed him multiple times, been against him every vte and with every votes he's made, that he's completely safe and has nothing to worry about. What? Oh but Scotty, he has to feel the block. You fucking dipshit!!!! So of course Brett wins the veto and of course now this idiot will have to nominate another person and of course we all know none of it matters, because Scottie is done.
Every week these idiots win, their own allies go home. Think about that. Kaitlyn got rid of Swaggy, Hayleigh got rid of Rockstar (though the twist helped, but still), and now Faysal will get rid of Scottie. Fuck them, they deserve to lose.
And just like Bayley, another idiot, the first thing Faysal does after winning HOH is tell Tyler, a man who has betrayed him multiple times, been against him every vte and with every votes he's made, that he's completely safe and has nothing to worry about. What? Oh but Scotty, he has to feel the block. You fucking dipshit!!!! So of course Brett wins the veto and of course now this idiot will have to nominate another person and of course we all know none of it matters, because Scottie is done.
Every week these idiots win, their own allies go home. Think about that. Kaitlyn got rid of Swaggy, Hayleigh got rid of Rockstar (though the twist helped, but still), and now Faysal will get rid of Scottie. Fuck them, they deserve to lose.
Update for Friday, 8/17/18
Another week, another vote where the idiots from the "FOUTTE" or Hive, whatever the hell you want to call them, looked like fucking fools, and somehow got blindsided with yet another vote result. These idiots can't do anything right. How the hell did Rockstar ever think that Bret would somehow vote for her? And in addition, how did the the other idiots think there was a chance too? Then why are these fools so blind to the fact the JC is playing the fuck out of them each and every week.
The dumbest people ever, led by another fucking idiot, Fessy, who just happened to win HOH this week, by a large margin. Don't count on him doing something smart. Clearly, they are allergic to intelligent gameplay. Tyler deserves to win.
The dumbest people ever, led by another fucking idiot, Fessy, who just happened to win HOH this week, by a large margin. Don't count on him doing something smart. Clearly, they are allergic to intelligent gameplay. Tyler deserves to win.
Update for Sunday, 8/12/18
Everything went exactly how Level 6 wanted again, and on Haileigh's HOH, her best friend Rockstar is going home. Pathetic. Last week, she wins Hacker, tries to Tyler, ends up her ally Balyleigh is gone. This week she wins HOH, and due to the Hacker her best friend Rockstar is finished. And these idiots still don't see that Tyler and JC have been against them each and every fucking week. They deserve to lose.
Update for Friday, 8/10/18
Bayley went home and I couldn't bare to watch it. I'm glad Haleigh won HOH, but this Hacker comp is going to screw them agan, plus these idiots are still not realizing that there is true alliance working together against them and Tyler is clearly in it. They are so stupid.
Update for Monday, 8/6/18
This bulshit Hacker comp sealed Bayley's fate. Fuck this week.
Update for Friday, 8/3/18
Rachel got blindsided and turned on by her alliance, and that bitch Angela got rewarded with a HOH win afterwards. I don't think I will be watching much this week. Smh.
Update for Sunday, 7/29/18
What's Happening?
The Kaitlyn eviction and chance t return to the game took so much time, that we didn't get a sniff of the HOH comp on Thursday night's show. But later that night, we found out that the new HOH was crowned in a skills "crap shoot" style competition, and Bayleigh won!!!
As someone who is a fan of Bayleigh's and who wants to see her do well, I was torn on how I felt about this. On one hand, it's better that she or someone on her side of the house won, than someone in Level 6. But she had built herself a nice little spot where she wouldn't be target for either side, and she has her secret power in her back pocket,where she can anonymously takeover a future HOH's nominations. She really didn't need to win and put a spotlight on herself. By winning, she has to now expose here targets and it will show her cards on where she truly stands. And I must say, so far, she has been doing pretty bad as HOH.
Bayleigh talks too damn much. She tells everybody a lot more than she should and really its going to end up coming back to bite her. Her goal is to get Bret out the house, who is her target, but she's also revealed too much to people who are aligned with Brett. She talks about this all girl alliance, but makes it clear she's working with Faysal. She reveals that she doesn't trust JC and is considering nominating him, which will hurt her later when JC gets power. She tells Rachel she wants to put her up, and Rachel is against it and wonders why she won't put others up. She has one on ones with everyone and the more she talks, the worst it gets!!!
Bayleigh talks too damn much. She tells everybody a lot more than she should and really its going to end up coming back to bite her. Her goal is to get Bret out the house, who is her target, but she's also revealed too much to people who are aligned with Brett. She talks about this all girl alliance, but makes it clear she's working with Faysal. She reveals that she doesn't trust JC and is considering nominating him, which will hurt her later when JC gets power. She tells Rachel she wants to put her up, and Rachel is against it and wonders why she won't put others up. She has one on ones with everyone and the more she talks, the worst it gets!!!
At the beginning, I assumed she was leaving Tyler alone for two reasons. 1, she assumes he has a power app, and doesn't want to go at him, he uses some app to save himself and she creates a enemy out of a really good competitor. And 2, she can use her power app to nominate him anonymously, and get as little blood on her hands as possible. But the more she talks, I'm not sure if she really does think that or she really believe that Kaitlyn was the one who caused him to be so dangerous, and now he's a wounded animal. If so, she's an idiot. Her refusal to nominate him and her wanting him to play in the veto for her was just very weird, and makes me think she thought she could gain him as an ally due to Kaycee.
The second thing that really bothered me was Bayleigh's whole interactions with Rachel. Just put the chick on the block, and explain why after. Don't give her the option!! Rachel is a lunatic. The last two weeks have shown just how much of a scattered brain player she truly is. She talks too much, she gets over emotional, and she is not good with playing things cool. So what does Bayleigh do? As a way to gain Rachel's trust, she tells her that she has the 3rd power app!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING FOOL!!!! Of all the people, you tell somebody who is not in your alliance and who you want to put on the block and could possibly go home. And what do you think she's going to do if she gets desperate? She's going to snitch on the way out the door!!! Idiot!!!
The second thing that really bothered me was Bayleigh's whole interactions with Rachel. Just put the chick on the block, and explain why after. Don't give her the option!! Rachel is a lunatic. The last two weeks have shown just how much of a scattered brain player she truly is. She talks too much, she gets over emotional, and she is not good with playing things cool. So what does Bayleigh do? As a way to gain Rachel's trust, she tells her that she has the 3rd power app!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING FOOL!!!! Of all the people, you tell somebody who is not in your alliance and who you want to put on the block and could possibly go home. And what do you think she's going to do if she gets desperate? She's going to snitch on the way out the door!!! Idiot!!!
So of course, Rachel runs and tells Angela, but to their credit, they have managed to keep the info to themselves so far. But how long that will last, is anybodies guess, as Rachel has been spiraling out of control. After she and Bret were nominated, she had a meltdown, even though she knew in advance she was going up and Brett is the target. But they are trying so hard to convince Bayleigh to put up Scottie, that it's making it blatantly obvious that all of the them, Rachel, Angela, and Kaycee are in an alliance with Bret. So much so that Bayleigh has said it multiple times, and included Sam as the 5th and not Tyler. Which I think is strategy on her part when she speaks with Tyler.
And of course Tyler went out and won the veto, and can now save Brett, which would force Bayleigh to have to nominate another person, which she doesn't want to. Level 6 is trying to push for Scottie to be the replacement, but in the smartest move yet, Bayleigh floats to Tyler that if he uses the veto, she would probably put up Angela vs Rachel!!! But when speaking with Rachel, she tells her that this was Tyler's suggestion!! So now, Level 6 has been imploding. Rachel doesn't trust Tyler, and trusts Bayleigh completely now. But Angela and Kaycee are not buying it, and they are seeing Rachel as a liability. There is a very strong possibility that Tyler could not use the veto and Level 6 push for Rachel to be voted out!! Smh. What a crazy ass couple days this Bayleigh reign has been so far!
And of course Tyler went out and won the veto, and can now save Brett, which would force Bayleigh to have to nominate another person, which she doesn't want to. Level 6 is trying to push for Scottie to be the replacement, but in the smartest move yet, Bayleigh floats to Tyler that if he uses the veto, she would probably put up Angela vs Rachel!!! But when speaking with Rachel, she tells her that this was Tyler's suggestion!! So now, Level 6 has been imploding. Rachel doesn't trust Tyler, and trusts Bayleigh completely now. But Angela and Kaycee are not buying it, and they are seeing Rachel as a liability. There is a very strong possibility that Tyler could not use the veto and Level 6 push for Rachel to be voted out!! Smh. What a crazy ass couple days this Bayleigh reign has been so far!
Update for Friday, 7/27/18
What's Happening?
Last we spoke, Faysal used the veto to take down Haleigh, which caused Sam to nominate Rockstar next to Kaitlyn. Right away, Tyler wanted to save Kaitlyn, as he felt he could continue to easily manipulate her and get her to turn on her former alliance members, as she did in the past. The problem was, its Kaitlyn, and her mouth and erratic behavior rubbed so many people in the house the wrong way, that a lot of them just wanted her gone. And there was nobody who wanted to see her leave more than JC. And he pushed this agenda all week.
At first, the Level 6 alliance was all for keeping Kaitlyn and this charge was led by Rachel and Tyler, who viewed Kaitlyn as shield for them. The plan was for all of Level 6 to vote out Rockstar, and they worked hard to recruit Bayleigh to join them in this goal, while not actaully revealing the allaince to her. Bayliegh did a good job staying netral and assuring them that she just wnated to vote with them no matter what, and she didn't care who went home, while we all knew, she really wanted Kaitlyn gone all along.
At first, the Level 6 alliance was all for keeping Kaitlyn and this charge was led by Rachel and Tyler, who viewed Kaitlyn as shield for them. The plan was for all of Level 6 to vote out Rockstar, and they worked hard to recruit Bayleigh to join them in this goal, while not actaully revealing the allaince to her. Bayliegh did a good job staying netral and assuring them that she just wnated to vote with them no matter what, and she didn't care who went home, while we all knew, she really wanted Kaitlyn gone all along.
Prior to eviction night, the decision of who was to be evicted was batted around numerous times, with Level 6 constantly debating the merits of eliminating either. The key was, everyone knew that whomever was evicted would have a chance to come right back in the house. Voting out Rockstar would be easy, because she most likely wouldn't win a battleback if it were against former houseguests, or a competition of any kind. But if they evicted Kaitlyn, she had a greater chance of coming back. Not knowing exactly "a chance to return to the game" meant was key in some of the decision making here.
So finally, after Kaitlyn talked too much and pissed Angela and Kaycee off, Level 6 decided they would vote Kaitlyn out and make it unanimous as a the whole would also. Before this, they wanted to split it so that if Kaitlyn came back, she would know it was her friends Faysal and Haleigh that voted her out, and she would go after them. But Sam was totally against it going to a tie, and JC would not budge. In the end, they voted Kaitlyn out, but JC of all people, threw a hinky vote in there to cause drama. Kaitlyn was evicted 9-1.
So finally, after Kaitlyn talked too much and pissed Angela and Kaycee off, Level 6 decided they would vote Kaitlyn out and make it unanimous as a the whole would also. Before this, they wanted to split it so that if Kaitlyn came back, she would know it was her friends Faysal and Haleigh that voted her out, and she would go after them. But Sam was totally against it going to a tie, and JC would not budge. In the end, they voted Kaitlyn out, but JC of all people, threw a hinky vote in there to cause drama. Kaitlyn was evicted 9-1.
Immediately after being evicted, Kaitlyn was sent upstairs to the room where the App Store was at, and she was given a chance to win herself back into the game. It looked like the absolute easiest puzzle they could have ever given her, and it was most likely done to increase the odds that she would return to the house, as we know she was a major reason for a lot of the drama which has made this a fantastic season.
They gave her 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete a six or seven piece puzzle, and she failed miserably!!!! Half way through, she sat there crying and basically gave up. It was like watching a wounded animal die before your very eyes. How could she fail this easy ass puzzle? I howled in laughter, and rejoiced, as it was absolutely hilarious!!! And with that Kaitlyn was done, out of the game once and for all. And it was all for the greater good!!!
They gave her 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete a six or seven piece puzzle, and she failed miserably!!!! Half way through, she sat there crying and basically gave up. It was like watching a wounded animal die before your very eyes. How could she fail this easy ass puzzle? I howled in laughter, and rejoiced, as it was absolutely hilarious!!! And with that Kaitlyn was done, out of the game once and for all. And it was all for the greater good!!!
She left the house thinking that only Tyler voted for her to stay, and that he was in her corner the entire time. Of course Julie quickly let her know, that he voted her too. Lol. She said she was eliminated because it was meant to be. But when she gets out of this house, she will realize, she got played, big time. See ya!!
Update for Monday, 7/23/18
What's Happening?
So much has happened since we last spoke and by the next time I update this thread, so many things could change again!! I must go on record and say that this is the best season in several years, and has been very entertaining on a daily basis. Let's go back to last Thursday and catch you up on everything that's been happening.
So the Bros were on the block, and while we knew that Winston was getting voted out, he and the other side of the house ( Bayleigh, Haileigh, Rockstar, Faysal, Scottie, and Kaitlyn) had no clue. They were assured by Tyler and JC that they would be voting to evict Brett. But we knew that wasn't happening and both JC and Tyler were lying to them. JC's plan was to pin the votes switch on Kaitlyn, and Brett's plan was to pin it on Rockstar. And boy was this an explosive move that worked better that I think they could have ever imagined. During his speech, Brett lied and said Rockstar tried to conspire with him to flip the vote his way and pin it on Kaitlyn. And this set Rockstar on fire!!
Well, as expected, Tyler and JC went through with the "flip" and voted out Winston, who was pissed, because his whole crew voted him out and chose Bret over him. Then the HOH was an endurance competition, and it came down to Tyler and Sam as the final two, and Tyler threw it to Sam. Of all people, the woman who's power app expired as of Thursday, now has the power to decide who will have a chance to get voted out, and get a chance to return to the game. And you would think because she knows this, it would be an easy week where she tried to be nice and not create any enemies. But no, that would be the smart thing to do....
Instead, this week the world got to see the real Sam, not this fake nice southern gimmick she's been portraying for weeks. We've seen glimpses of her mean side, and I always had a feeling that one she got a little power, the real Sam would come out. Right out the gate she told everybody, that nobody is allowed in her HOH unless she is in there. You know some people like to chill up there, listen to music, use the bathroom or shower in private. Sam, says none of that. Then she said, she knows who she's nominating, so there will be no one on ones and she doesn't want to talk with anyone. What? You do know you're on Big Brother right? Part of the entertainment portion of the TV SHOW, is the campaigning. She's nuts.
Sam nominated Haileigh and Kaitlyn, and said it was because they flirt with the guys and don't carry themselves le women, and don't clean. She then said they are the opposite of female empowerment. It was brutal, and completely unfair to especially Haileigh. Sure Kaitlyn has a boyfriend at home, but even still, what does that have to do with Sam? But Haileigh is single and hasn't done anything inappropriate. If anything, she turns down Faysal left and right and he wants her bad! And Tyler is the one who has been using Kaitlyn and only got close with her to manipulate her for the good of tehri alliance. Sam's statements were unfair and they got worst!
But I must be honest, I called this a few weeks ago, and it was very clear last week that Sam has a jealous side to her. She absolutely hates that Haileigh is cool with the guys that she wants in her back pocket. Sam secretly likes Scottie and wants him to herself, so the night that Haileigh slept in the HOH with Scottie made Sam furious. You could see the dirty looks she would give Haileigh. Then she would complain about things about Haighleigh, that were small and inconsenqunsial. Haileigh put a jar of jam in the cabinet, because she often makes PBJ. Sam came and said why would this be in the cabinet when it belongs in the fridge. She then took the fresh jar and threw it in the trash, and hid the other one. That set off a alarm for me. This nomination was personal and all about jealousy!!
But I must be honest, I called this a few weeks ago, and it was very clear last week that Sam has a jealous side to her. She absolutely hates that Haileigh is cool with the guys that she wants in her back pocket. Sam secretly likes Scottie and wants him to herself, so the night that Haileigh slept in the HOH with Scottie made Sam furious. You could see the dirty looks she would give Haileigh. Then she would complain about things about Haighleigh, that were small and inconsenqunsial. Haileigh put a jar of jam in the cabinet, because she often makes PBJ. Sam came and said why would this be in the cabinet when it belongs in the fridge. She then took the fresh jar and threw it in the trash, and hid the other one. That set off a alarm for me. This nomination was personal and all about jealousy!!
What made it worst was the convo had with Rachel where she said those two dress in sweat shirts and baggy clothes that are too big for them and they don't carry themselves like women. She then degraded how hot they were and said Angela and Rachel were a lot hotter. Twitter went nuts over that. This could have been an easy week for Sam but she has terribly hurt her reputation, and comments were so hurtful to Haleigh that she cried the rest of the day at the way Sam portrayed her. It was bad, and Sam ha a new enemy for sure.
What made things even crazier was that she put up Faysal's love triangle! You know, the triangle that caused Kaitlyn to get so jealous, she turned on her alliance and eventually backdoored Swaggy!! The karma is hilarious in many ways. Now Faysal is left having to choose between the girl who claims she loves him, Kaitlyn, and the girl her loves and really wants to be with but won't give him any commitment, Haileigh. And of course they both want him to win the veto and use it on them. So if you're him, you throw it, right?
What made things even crazier was that she put up Faysal's love triangle! You know, the triangle that caused Kaitlyn to get so jealous, she turned on her alliance and eventually backdoored Swaggy!! The karma is hilarious in many ways. Now Faysal is left having to choose between the girl who claims she loves him, Kaitlyn, and the girl her loves and really wants to be with but won't give him any commitment, Haileigh. And of course they both want him to win the veto and use it on them. So if you're him, you throw it, right?
No, No, no. Because that would be the smart thing to do. Instead, this idiot goes and wins the thing, after promising both of them that he would use it on them, and now he's stuck dealing with crazy Kaitlyn pestering him for days!! She has been non stop guilting him too. You all have to watch the live feeds, as you can't really get a full sense of just how insane this season has really been without watching what is happening , unedited, in the house. Just nuts.
Update for Thursday, 7/19/18
What's Happening?
This week has been dominated by Scottie making moves and sticking with it, which is refreshing for a change. One way or the other, Thursday night, one of the Bros is going home, and Level 6 will be Level 5. Lol. But of course, nothing is that simple in this house. Scottie and his side wants to send Brett home, because he's more dangerous. But the Level 6 alliance wants to cut Winston, because he's not as good as Brett and they want him as an stronger help.
So as the week has moved on, we have seen that it is clear that Winston is going home, largely because of the blowup that Kaitlyn had on Brett. Before that blow up, JC was going to vote for Brett to go home, but now he is deeply entrenched with the Level 6 alliance. Tyler is still playing both side, but many are on to him. Whoever wins HOH on Thursday night is going to really dictate the direction of the game, especially since we know Sam's power will be used on whomever is evicted next week, which will hurt the HOH's game.
So as the week has moved on, we have seen that it is clear that Winston is going home, largely because of the blowup that Kaitlyn had on Brett. Before that blow up, JC was going to vote for Brett to go home, but now he is deeply entrenched with the Level 6 alliance. Tyler is still playing both side, but many are on to him. Whoever wins HOH on Thursday night is going to really dictate the direction of the game, especially since we know Sam's power will be used on whomever is evicted next week, which will hurt the HOH's game.
Update for Saturday, 7/14/18
What's Happening?
Thursday night's eviction went as we expected and Swaggy C was evicted from the house. Swaggy leaving was pretty much set in stone the moment that he was backdoored. He tried to campaign, he tried to wheel and deal, but the fact was that Tyler, whom he thought he could trust, was actually behind the whole push to get rid of him, and Swaggy was oblivious to that fact until he was actually out the door.
The very interesting thing was how the votes fell. Swaggy always thought he had 5 votes for sure and needed Tyler for a 6th, and Kaitlyn to break a tie. But we knew that Haleigh was struggling with if she should vote with the majority and abandon a sinking ship, or stay true to her group in order not to be seen as a turncoat by those who remain. Well, Scottie suggested that they all wear Swaggy T shirts and show their solidarity with Swaggy as he was probably leaving. But Haleigh opts not to wear the shirt, which of course is seen as sketchy, but then when she gets in the diary room, and votes out Winston.
The problem is, Scottie of all people votes Swaggy out! So of course, when the vote is 8-4, everyone, including Swaggy, thinks Haleigh flipped, and nobody, but Haleigh, knows that it wasn't her! She thinks its Scottie, but she can't do a damn thing about it because, Scottie is the second person in a row to flip and then go win HOH!
The problem is, Scottie of all people votes Swaggy out! So of course, when the vote is 8-4, everyone, including Swaggy, thinks Haleigh flipped, and nobody, but Haleigh, knows that it wasn't her! She thinks its Scottie, but she can't do a damn thing about it because, Scottie is the second person in a row to flip and then go win HOH!
Scottie winning HOH was such a breath of fresh air and I immediately had hope that finally the Level 6 alliance would not be in control, and instead, they would be in trouble this week. We saw Tyler try to work his magic, and Scottie shot it down. The munchkin tried to manipulate him, the women tried to get in his good graces, and none of it worked. Scottie had his plan and he was sticking to it. He wanted to come after the Bros!!!
So we he nominated Brett and Winston it was the biggest move possible! It was a ballsy move and it basically drew a line in the sand and revealed Scottie as the enemy of Level 6. And the fall out was glorious to watch!!! Bret played it cool and stayed calm. But Winston!!!!! LOL, he basically declared war on Scottie. Ad it was not a smart move at all. Before Winston snapped, Scottie was considering putting up Kaitlyn if the POV were to be used. But after that, and the reaction of everyone on that side of the house, Scottie basically made up his mind that if the veto is used, he's putting up one of their friends (Angela, Rachel, Kaycee). This has been such a great couple days already!!! Good job Scottie.
Update for Monday, 7/9/18
What's Happening?
Welp, it all happened today. Kaitlyn moved ahead with her master plan to get rid of Swaggy and the reveal went down on the live feeds earlier this afternoon. After Ty;er won the veto on Saturday, it guaranteed that Swaggy would be backdoored, as he did not get a chance to play for the veto and save himself. At today's veto meeting, Tyler used the veto on Scottie, and and Kaitlyn nominated Swaggy, marking the end to the alliance and blowing up the game game for her former alliance members. Of course Swaggy, Bayleigh and Faysal were shocked, but to their credit, nobody blew up on Kaitlyn. You know, like they expected the black people to do. Instead, Swaggy layed low and began to try to work on a plan to save himself, which most likely won't work.
The night before, Kaitlyn admitted to Haileigh that this was going to happen, and while she didn't agree, she had no choice but to keep quiet and go along with it. But she did tell Rockstar, who was pissed. I liked Rockstars reaction because it was real, she basically said, Swaggy's getting targeted because he's black and has an opinion, which intimidates some of the other housemates, and his personality makes them "uncomfortable". Yea he's cocky, but JC is cocky, Brett is cocky, Winston is cocky. But they are seen as joking and being playful. Swaggy is something they didn't want to have to tiptoe around, so it would be easier just to get rid of him. Kaitlyn said, now they can reset and all just be friends. Jeez.
It will be interesting how this week plays out. A lot can happen in three days in the Big Brother house, but the odds are super stacked against Swaggy. I much rather he blow some shit up on the way out, then count on a jury buy back to win a spot back in the game. I hope his crew stays loyal, but I can already see Haleigh looking for greener pastures. But Baileigh will stick with him until the end, like a true soldier. Faysal is in a tough spot.
The night before, Kaitlyn admitted to Haileigh that this was going to happen, and while she didn't agree, she had no choice but to keep quiet and go along with it. But she did tell Rockstar, who was pissed. I liked Rockstars reaction because it was real, she basically said, Swaggy's getting targeted because he's black and has an opinion, which intimidates some of the other housemates, and his personality makes them "uncomfortable". Yea he's cocky, but JC is cocky, Brett is cocky, Winston is cocky. But they are seen as joking and being playful. Swaggy is something they didn't want to have to tiptoe around, so it would be easier just to get rid of him. Kaitlyn said, now they can reset and all just be friends. Jeez.
It will be interesting how this week plays out. A lot can happen in three days in the Big Brother house, but the odds are super stacked against Swaggy. I much rather he blow some shit up on the way out, then count on a jury buy back to win a spot back in the game. I hope his crew stays loyal, but I can already see Haleigh looking for greener pastures. But Baileigh will stick with him until the end, like a true soldier. Faysal is in a tough spot.
Update for Friday, 7/6/18
What's Happening?
Thursday night we learned that Kaitlyn did indeed allow her jealousy over Faysal to cause her to turn on her alliance and vote out Steve. Clearly this was the first blindside of the season and the reaction shots were quite telling. I honestly didn't think she would go through with it, neither did Swaggy but hats off to Tyler for pulling it off.
Steve had no clue that he was a goner, that was clear by how long it took for him to get his composure. From a strategic standpoint, it was an excellent move by the Level 6 alliance, as they identified that they needed somebody to flip, and they targeted somebody they could take advantage of emotionally. And Steve was a casualty.
What put the most ironic cap on the night was the fact that Kaitlyn, the person who is always talking about following loyalty, signs, vibes and energy, secretly betrayed her alliance, then won the HOH, before anybody could confront her about if she was the vote who flipped. LOL.
You have to give Tyler the award for MVP for week 1 as he played the best game so far. He was able to solidify a real alliance, while playing the other side of the house so well that they actually believed, and some still do, that he's really with them. Plus he was able to manipulate Kaitlyn into being so jealous and emotionally weak, that she would betray her alliance in order to somehow advance her position. In the end, the heat will be on others before it gets to him, and he's protected by the new HOH. Great moves so far.
Who's Getting Nominated?
Later on Friday in the real Big Brother world will be nominations, and I have a feeling Tyler and the Level 6 alliance will be pushing for Kaitlyn to go all the way in her betrayal of her alliance and put up some combo of Swaggy C, Bayleigh, Faysal, and Haleigh. Will she buckle and go along with their plan? She's gullible, so probably so. Most likely she will try to backdoor Swaggy C, which may be what's best to move the season along. Right now its classic mob mentality, and the cocky black guy is public enemy #1.