WWE RAW Reaction -
Fast Lane Go Home Show
Last night was the go home show for WWE Fast Lane. Not the best show I would have put together to go head to head with the Grammy's.
Check out my great, good, bad, and really really pathetic from last night's RAW.
Check out my great, good, bad, and really really pathetic from last night's RAW.
- Kevin Owens won the Intercontental Championshp by pinning Tyler Breeze in a Fatal Fiveway that included Dean Ambrose, Stardust and Dolph Ziggler. I thought this finish was great. I love that Owens has gold again and the match was pretty good.
- Paul Heyman is a promo genius. But you already knew that.
- I loved that move by Ambrose where he teased hitting Dirty Deeds on Reigns. Just that little move, adds even more intrigue to the eventual heel turn.
- Charlotte and Brie Bella had and excellent promo segment. It was very good to see a real issue be used as the basis a feud, because that where some of the best material comes from. And they were not insulting or using Bryan's injury the wrong way, so it was tastefully done. I liked it. Good delivery by the ladies as well, and Flairs facials were fantastic.
- I thought AJ Styles and the Miz had a good little TV match. I thought they gave Miz more offense than I would have liked, but Styles selling was great. AJ continues to impress and they advanced the Jericho feud.
- I like the Dudley's as heels, go figure. They did a great job last week on Smackdown, as well as here tonight getting over their heel persona, and using the lack of using tables as a way to show they are no longer trying to please or appease the fans.
- So who comes up with this shit. Well Vince of course. Of all the matches to end the show with, you pick Big Show vs. Braun Strowman? I hate this guy man.
- Summer Rae defeating Paige in a horrible sloppy match on RAW, where the crowd was dead and the wrong person won, was a disgrace.
- Why did Reigns have to smile after the exchange with Ambrose? Ruined it for me.
- I am absolutely fed up with the social jobbers. I just don't get it. Why waste valuable TV time on complete jokes, when you sensational performers who are being wasted away each week and not being highlighted to the best of their ability. I hate this stuff man.
- This Goldust and Truth shit is not working. Not at all. They are trying to relive Goldust and Booker T, but the shit is a lost cause.
This Sunday is WWE Fast Lane, the final stop on the road to Wrestlemania. If I were the WWE, I would call an audible, and have Brock win on Sunday, and face HHH at Mania, and have Reigns and Ambrose battle one on one. But that won't happen. Reigns will win, Wyatt will screw Brock and Ambrose will be in limbo for awhile, until he turns on Reigns after Mania. A waste if you ask me.