What Happened on.....? : Orange is the New Black -
Season 3: Episode 1
Today we begin a new series here at Causioncreations.com, entitled, "What Happened On...?", where I will recap each episode of a series that I think is great, and give my opinion as well.
This is bit different from our Real Time reviews, where we talk about each scene and simply report what happens. In this series, I will give an overview of what happened and give my opinion on the advancement of certain story lines. Some shows I just like to watch and enjoy, and too much happens to recap every single important aspect.
I have been a fan of Orange is the new Black since the first episode of season 1, the day it premiered on Netflix. You know, before all the late comers finally caught on. Its definitely one of the best shows out today. So here we go.
These reviews were written periodically throughout the episode and give an overview of what happened. Then at the end, I give my opinion. I hope you enjoy!!!!
This is bit different from our Real Time reviews, where we talk about each scene and simply report what happens. In this series, I will give an overview of what happened and give my opinion on the advancement of certain story lines. Some shows I just like to watch and enjoy, and too much happens to recap every single important aspect.
I have been a fan of Orange is the new Black since the first episode of season 1, the day it premiered on Netflix. You know, before all the late comers finally caught on. Its definitely one of the best shows out today. So here we go.
These reviews were written periodically throughout the episode and give an overview of what happened. Then at the end, I give my opinion. I hope you enjoy!!!!
Orange is the New Black - Episode 1
Everyone is dealing with the aftermath of what happened at the end of last season. Litchfield has a new van after the old one was destroyed when Rosa used it to kill Vee.
The prison is throwing a Mother's Day party for the inmates and their children who will be visiting. Alot of kids show up for Mother's Day. Its kind of pathetic how some of inmates interact with the kids. Lol. One chick smuggled drugs inside of her babies pamper. Smh.
Poussey has a tough time and the day really makes her miss her mother. The whole day was pathetic really. The pinata didn't even have candy in it. Smh. Sophia schools her son Michael on how to be a man. Lol.
Worst part was when a lockdown is called while all the kids are there, and the inmates have to get on the ground in front if their kids. Even some of the kids get down and cry. Very sad and pathetic.
Ruiz's baby father tells her he not bringing their baby to visit any longer as he doesn't want the child to think this is normal and see her like this. Diaz is devastated.
Red is back from the infirmary where she was healing up ever since the brutal fight with Vee. She's now sleeping in Rosa's old bed. She decides that she only has fee years left and wants to keep her nose clean. She even pours cement over her tunnel in the green house. Red's family comes to visit her and want her to get back in the game. But she doesn't want to.
The prison has a new black female counselor named Berdie Rogers, who seems pretty smart. Healy doesn't like that she is there and feels threatened. Caputo doesn't want to hear it and says they need her.
Caputo is still pissed at Bennett and is extra hard on him because he had to cover up the fact that he got Diaz pregnant.
Piper finds out that Alex is back. Alex got beat up in lockup. Piper consoles Alex who feels she ruined her chance to have a free life.
Throughout the episode we got flashbacks of various people interacting either with their mother or children. We got Pennsatucky as child with her mother filling her with sugar and taking her to Social services to get extra welfare assistance money; Sophia from when she was a man and her, well his, wife Crystal was pregnant with their son, Nicky as a child trying to do something special for her stuck up mother but being brushed off instead; Poussey reading a bed time story with her loving mother; and Healy with his psycho mother.
Suzanne can't come to grips with the fact that Vee is dead. She also is not allowed to go outside for the Mother's Day celebration because of how she acted last year.
Pornstach's mother wants to see Diaz's baby, thinking that it is her grandchild.
Nicky and Black are smuggling drugs out of the vent in the laundry room. They need to get it to a dealer who will be selling it for them on the outside. Nicky is hesitant.
Pennsatucky feels guilty about all the abortions she had. Black convinces her that she did the world a favor because they would have grown up to be criminal meth heads like their mother. This makes Pennsatucky feel better. Lol.
Overall good first episode which set the stage for what we can expect from certain story lines this season. I like how Piper isn't the focus any longer and is just another character.
The prison is throwing a Mother's Day party for the inmates and their children who will be visiting. Alot of kids show up for Mother's Day. Its kind of pathetic how some of inmates interact with the kids. Lol. One chick smuggled drugs inside of her babies pamper. Smh.
Poussey has a tough time and the day really makes her miss her mother. The whole day was pathetic really. The pinata didn't even have candy in it. Smh. Sophia schools her son Michael on how to be a man. Lol.
Worst part was when a lockdown is called while all the kids are there, and the inmates have to get on the ground in front if their kids. Even some of the kids get down and cry. Very sad and pathetic.
Ruiz's baby father tells her he not bringing their baby to visit any longer as he doesn't want the child to think this is normal and see her like this. Diaz is devastated.
Red is back from the infirmary where she was healing up ever since the brutal fight with Vee. She's now sleeping in Rosa's old bed. She decides that she only has fee years left and wants to keep her nose clean. She even pours cement over her tunnel in the green house. Red's family comes to visit her and want her to get back in the game. But she doesn't want to.
The prison has a new black female counselor named Berdie Rogers, who seems pretty smart. Healy doesn't like that she is there and feels threatened. Caputo doesn't want to hear it and says they need her.
Caputo is still pissed at Bennett and is extra hard on him because he had to cover up the fact that he got Diaz pregnant.
Piper finds out that Alex is back. Alex got beat up in lockup. Piper consoles Alex who feels she ruined her chance to have a free life.
Throughout the episode we got flashbacks of various people interacting either with their mother or children. We got Pennsatucky as child with her mother filling her with sugar and taking her to Social services to get extra welfare assistance money; Sophia from when she was a man and her, well his, wife Crystal was pregnant with their son, Nicky as a child trying to do something special for her stuck up mother but being brushed off instead; Poussey reading a bed time story with her loving mother; and Healy with his psycho mother.
Suzanne can't come to grips with the fact that Vee is dead. She also is not allowed to go outside for the Mother's Day celebration because of how she acted last year.
Pornstach's mother wants to see Diaz's baby, thinking that it is her grandchild.
Nicky and Black are smuggling drugs out of the vent in the laundry room. They need to get it to a dealer who will be selling it for them on the outside. Nicky is hesitant.
Pennsatucky feels guilty about all the abortions she had. Black convinces her that she did the world a favor because they would have grown up to be criminal meth heads like their mother. This makes Pennsatucky feel better. Lol.
Overall good first episode which set the stage for what we can expect from certain story lines this season. I like how Piper isn't the focus any longer and is just another character.