Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Check out my great, good, bad, and pathetic from WWE TV this week.
The main event between Braun and Balor was very well done in my opinion because it wasn't a squash match by any stretch of the imagination, and it presented Balor a legitimate opponent. This is how a big man vs smaller man match should go when you are not trying to bury your talent. Balor worked his ass off to make Braun look good and both delivered.
The first hour of the show, was the Kevin Owens show, as he carried Roman Reigns to a very good match, then that match turned into a tag match, where he carried Jinder for the ride. We all know Rollins is working at an all time high level, but much respect needs to be give to KO as well for how he's been busting his ass as well.
Dolph and Chad Gable had a very good wrestling match and I wish these two would work a program. Gable deserves to be in higher profile mid card matches like this, so he can gain some much needed exposure and increase his following. He's a very good talent that potential to be so much more than how he's pushed.
I didn't hate the contract signing and actually think Stephanie planted some very good seeds for where the story could go moving forward. It will be interesting to see just how they book the PPV match because I still find that the fan reaction to both scenarios, Ronda winning the title or losing her first match, will be hard to swallow for a lot of people. I think she should wi and set up a jealousy angle with Natalia at this point.
Speaking of Natalya, she won a horrible fourway, with alot of bad wrestlers. This was shit and hard to watch. The WWE booking of the MITB qualifiers, especially on the female side has been so lazy. All three factions were essentially put in multi-person matches against one babyface. Lazy booking. It clearly looks like they are positioning Natty for a major program with Ronda. Will she win MITB and attempt to cash in, or will she lose, get jealous that Ronda jumped the line and won the title without even having match, then Natty turns on her. All viable options that may work out. But I'm not excited to see Natty at this point.
How many times are these two going to trade wins in boring matches where nobody really gets over? Bobby Roode is dead in the water and needs to turn heel. Terribly booked.
I just don't see how something like this could ever be viewed as a positive. How could someone come up with this idea, and conceive in any way that this would be a good idea that the audience would enjoy, and benefit Lashley's character. At this point, I don't have the energy to rant and rave about it. It's just ridiculous and embarrassing to support the product.
Daniel Bryan is the star of Smackdown and when booked like a superstar, as he should be, he elevates the entire brand. Look at all the possibilities this show has for great matches, and many include Bryan. He carried Jeff Hardy to a very good matcha and he and Joe should kill it next week. Also, Joe's promo and presence is so damn great!
I don't care what others say, i love this feud because both these guys are great! Nakamura is an excellent heel and AJ is such a natural babyface, and the crowd reacts everytime.
Lana is great, she's always been great, and hopefully she's allowed to continue being great. I know I'm hard on them pushing women who can't wrestle, and she in fact can't wrestle, but they are not putting the title on Lana. The Lana Day sign and the chant Aiden did was great.
I really liked this match between Miz and Big E, and once again Miz showed that he can have good matches with a variety of people. Big E is also great and the outside factions getting involved added a lot of fun to the contest.
Gallows and Anderson got a good win for once and the Uso's made them look good. Match felt a bit rushed but was all action. With the way they are booking the Bludgeon Brothers, it's kind of difficult to see how any of these teams can compete with them. But I'm sure it means that Sanity will be the team to come up and take them out. Whenever they finally show up.
This was just very sloppy. Naomi isn't the most crisp wrestler as it is, though she does flashy moves. But Sonya Deville is not very good and this clash of style was bad.
Final Thoughts: Smackdown was clearly the better show this week, but aside from that horrible Sami Zayn/Lashley bullshit, there was nothing terribly offensive this week.