Last year, Oprah Winfrey aired a series on her network OWN, that was created by Codie and Tommy Oliver, entitled "Black Love". This docu-series presented various interviews with different celebrity couples, who gave the audience insight into various issues they experienced throughout their relationship. It was very interesting and quite well done. This was so great to see, as it felt very authentic, and showed the human side of people and their relationships, away from the personas them play on TV or the big screen.
Well, I decided, I want to do the same thing with the various couples I know who are in different stages of their relationship. I know some pretty great people, who are in love with their significant other and making it work, through all the difficulties life throws at them. As a single man, I truly appreciate the bond and lasting love these friends of mine have found, and in the coming weeks and months, I hope to bring some of these stories to you.
But before then, I want to share footage I have captured of different friends of mine as they have stood before the Lord and said I do. First up is my good friend and brother Corey Jackson and his wife Ebony Jackson. I have owed them a copy of the slideshow I put together for quite some time, so as a way to apologize, I share the images with the world. Love yall.
But before then, I want to share footage I have captured of different friends of mine as they have stood before the Lord and said I do. First up is my good friend and brother Corey Jackson and his wife Ebony Jackson. I have owed them a copy of the slideshow I put together for quite some time, so as a way to apologize, I share the images with the world. Love yall.