What Happened on.....? : Orange is the New Black -
Season 3: Episode 9
Orange is the New Black Episode 9
Pipers dirty panty business is off and running. And disgusting. Her brother comes to visit and tells her the first batch sold out right away and the business is a huge winner.
Suzanne's nasty writing is a huge hit. Its the big talk around the prison. The pressure to write more continues to ware on her, because many of the inmates are obsessed and want more now.
Administration brought in a Ra-bi to try to find out who is really Jewish and who is simply taking advantage of the Jewish meals. The inmates all try to convince him that they are really Jewish, and its hilarious, especially black Cindy. Most are deemed not to be Jewish and have to go back to eating the normal slop.
Red repeatedly reminds people that she doesn't stand by the food that is being served and she didn't cook it.
Norma's meditation cult group gets kicked out of the auditorium and now want to create their own set of bylaws. Leanne, the meth head is acting like she's the boss and trying to force rules. Poussey and So So don't want a religion with rules.
Mendoza's son Benny and Sofia's son Michael beat some kid up so bad that he may lose an eye. Michael was arrested and Sofia blames Benny for corrupting her son. She tells Mendoza her son can no longer hitch a ride to the prison, which really pisses her off. Later Sofia find out that it wasn't Benny fault at all and that her so Michael was the aggressor and Benny ran away.
Pennsatucky and Coates, the CO she has been clicking with continue to have their awkward friendship. They go feed the ducks again.All of a sudden Coates turns dark on her makes her crawl on the ground and fetch a donut he threw. Then he kisses her against her will, but then stops. This guy clearly is nuts.
Alex is still suspicious of Lollie, and rightfully so. Lollie is plotting to kill Alex and Alex is super paranoid about it. Loliie breaks a glass window by "accident", and when Alex tries to help her clean it up, a big piece of glass is missing from the pile. Later Alex checks Lollies bunk for the glass, but finds the journal where Lollie has been writing down Alex's every move.
Piper and Stella, the tattooed chick who works with her, continue to look like they have some type of sexual chemistry growing. Welp they end up kissing at the end of the episode, and shit bout to get real awkward.
Pipers dirty panty business is off and running. And disgusting. Her brother comes to visit and tells her the first batch sold out right away and the business is a huge winner.
Suzanne's nasty writing is a huge hit. Its the big talk around the prison. The pressure to write more continues to ware on her, because many of the inmates are obsessed and want more now.
Administration brought in a Ra-bi to try to find out who is really Jewish and who is simply taking advantage of the Jewish meals. The inmates all try to convince him that they are really Jewish, and its hilarious, especially black Cindy. Most are deemed not to be Jewish and have to go back to eating the normal slop.
Red repeatedly reminds people that she doesn't stand by the food that is being served and she didn't cook it.
Norma's meditation cult group gets kicked out of the auditorium and now want to create their own set of bylaws. Leanne, the meth head is acting like she's the boss and trying to force rules. Poussey and So So don't want a religion with rules.
Mendoza's son Benny and Sofia's son Michael beat some kid up so bad that he may lose an eye. Michael was arrested and Sofia blames Benny for corrupting her son. She tells Mendoza her son can no longer hitch a ride to the prison, which really pisses her off. Later Sofia find out that it wasn't Benny fault at all and that her so Michael was the aggressor and Benny ran away.
Pennsatucky and Coates, the CO she has been clicking with continue to have their awkward friendship. They go feed the ducks again.All of a sudden Coates turns dark on her makes her crawl on the ground and fetch a donut he threw. Then he kisses her against her will, but then stops. This guy clearly is nuts.
Alex is still suspicious of Lollie, and rightfully so. Lollie is plotting to kill Alex and Alex is super paranoid about it. Loliie breaks a glass window by "accident", and when Alex tries to help her clean it up, a big piece of glass is missing from the pile. Later Alex checks Lollies bunk for the glass, but finds the journal where Lollie has been writing down Alex's every move.
Piper and Stella, the tattooed chick who works with her, continue to look like they have some type of sexual chemistry growing. Welp they end up kissing at the end of the episode, and shit bout to get real awkward.