LC Ranks Every Season of
Big Brother
For years I have debated back and forth which reality show is my favorite of all time, however there is no question that my favorite show to cover is Big Brother. Unlike Survivor, which probably is my favorite overall, Big Brother provides so much content during the course of a week, as in addition to the three prime time episodes on CBS, superfans like myself are able to follow the show via the live streams online. This unprecedented "24/7" access (not really, because they block us out from multiple things throughout the day) gives viewers an up to date inside look into what's actually happening in the house, unedited.
I have been a viewer of the show since season 1, and a superfan since season 2. So today, I am going to reveal my rankings of every season of Big Brother, ahead of the season 22, All Stars - 2 edition. Of course, how I rank a season is through my lense, and what I enjoy about Big Brother. My rankings may differ from yours, but I will do my best to explain why a certain season you may like more, I ranked lower, and why seasons you didn't like as much, I ranked higher. Nobody should have the same list, but there are some things that just are key to any season being considered great. Also, for some seasons, I list my favorite players and who I believe played the best game. Then for some seasons, if none stood out, and some I don't. So lets kick off the list!
I have been a viewer of the show since season 1, and a superfan since season 2. So today, I am going to reveal my rankings of every season of Big Brother, ahead of the season 22, All Stars - 2 edition. Of course, how I rank a season is through my lense, and what I enjoy about Big Brother. My rankings may differ from yours, but I will do my best to explain why a certain season you may like more, I ranked lower, and why seasons you didn't like as much, I ranked higher. Nobody should have the same list, but there are some things that just are key to any season being considered great. Also, for some seasons, I list my favorite players and who I believe played the best game. Then for some seasons, if none stood out, and some I don't. So lets kick off the list!
Unranked - Season 1
I decided not to officially rank season 1 of Big Brother, because unlike season 1 on Survivor, the format was completely different starting at season 2, and it was basically a completely different show. The viewers at home were able to watch each week and vote on who they wanted to eliminate. That's not the show we grew to love over the next 20 seasons, so I decided to just "honorable mention" it, because it was the building block.
#20 - Season 15
Takeaway - Most Racist Cast ever!
What can I say about season 15. Was there strategy, yes. Were there some good players who could have been considered great on another season, absolutely. Were there moments that I actually thought things would get better and the season would redeem itself, yes. But in the end, it's the worst season of the game ever, purely because of the rampant bigotry and bullying displayed throughout the entire Summer. And it's the season we all want to forget. |
It's a shame that casting did such a horrible job vetting these players before the season, as it was obvious that people like Arian, Jeremy, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn, David, and Spencer were bigots through and through. The horrific things they said out their mouths that should never be said in real life, let alone broadcast all over the world. Then you had the racist sympathizers like Andy who never stepped in to stop these bigots from saying horrible things about and to the minorities in the house and even joined in the banter. To me, they were just as guilty.
This season was also plagued by the stupid MVP twist where fans voted for a houseguest to anonymously nominate a third nominee each week. Well, Elissa, Rachel Riley's sister, was cast on this season and due to her sister's popularity, she won the fan vote every week. Problem was that Elissa was an idiot, and Amanda and McCrae, who were the best players, were able to manipulate her to do whatever they wanted every week. The twist sucked and Amanda was a bully and no angel herself. It was just an awful season to enjoy, and for a black man like me, I found myself hate watching the season, which is never a good thing when you're such a huge fan of a franchise. Andy complains that his season gets no credit for being strategic, well guess what, nobody gives a shit. Racist bullies should never be given a pass. And Helen was pushed!
This season was also plagued by the stupid MVP twist where fans voted for a houseguest to anonymously nominate a third nominee each week. Well, Elissa, Rachel Riley's sister, was cast on this season and due to her sister's popularity, she won the fan vote every week. Problem was that Elissa was an idiot, and Amanda and McCrae, who were the best players, were able to manipulate her to do whatever they wanted every week. The twist sucked and Amanda was a bully and no angel herself. It was just an awful season to enjoy, and for a black man like me, I found myself hate watching the season, which is never a good thing when you're such a huge fan of a franchise. Andy complains that his season gets no credit for being strategic, well guess what, nobody gives a shit. Racist bullies should never be given a pass. And Helen was pushed!
#19 - Season 21
Takeaway - Racist, Bullies, & Camp Comeback.
I struggled between which season deserved to be ranked worst between season 21 & season 15. I ultimately opted to place BB21 here because there was some good gameplay mixed in with all the piss poor behavior of the cast and the terrible "Twist" production implemented. Camp Comeback was a theory they thought would work, but sucked. |
I get it, there has been many seasons with a competition for houseguests that were voted out and battling their way back into the house. There have been seasons where we lost people early, and wished those people were given a second chance. But this bullshit was a cheap rip off of Island of Extinction from Survivor. You know the theme and season everyone hated. But instead of putting the voted out people in a separate house and giving us access to watch them live there, they put the voted out people in a separate sleeping quarters upstairs, and dressed them up in camp outfits. To make matters worse, because the houseguests knew the twist, it gave an incentive for cast members to stick with people they had commonalities with, and gang up on the weak! Who sis going to blindside a powerplayer, if you know that not only will they get a chance to come back, but they'll be living in the same house with you for four weeks!!! Ridiculous!
Basically camp comeback was three minorities. Kemi, David, and Ovi were treated horribly by the bullies of the house as well. It was just horrible on so many levels. Every week the show was making headline on TMZ for the racist and bigotry guys like Jack and Jackson displayed. Honestly, had the season not had some good gameplay, and a few bright spots like Nicole, Kemi, Ovi, and Cliff, this would have been the worst season ever! But the worst part of all, the racist, Jackson, actually won. Sad.
Basically camp comeback was three minorities. Kemi, David, and Ovi were treated horribly by the bullies of the house as well. It was just horrible on so many levels. Every week the show was making headline on TMZ for the racist and bigotry guys like Jack and Jackson displayed. Honestly, had the season not had some good gameplay, and a few bright spots like Nicole, Kemi, Ovi, and Cliff, this would have been the worst season ever! But the worst part of all, the racist, Jackson, actually won. Sad.
#18 - Season 9
Takeaway - Terrible Gameplay, Horrible.
After season 8, CBS made the decision to cast for season 9 during the Winter, because of the lack of TV shows they would be able to air due to the Writers Strike that year. So as a viewer, having loved season 8 with Evel Dick, there were high expectations for season 9. And it completely bombed! Once again, Big brother relied on the overused couples twist, and this time put everyone in pairs. This season was known more for the hot tub sessions than gameplay. Sucked. |
I know for a long time this season was regarded as the worst season of all time, and it was. However, the racism the casts of BB15 & BB21 displayed dropped the bar even lower for me. At least in season 9 they were just a bunch of sluts who didn't know the game, and said some very stupid things. Crazy James winning the Veto three weeks in a row, was probably the highlight of the season and the feeds were always interesting due to all the big fights. Bad season, terrible winner, but at least it wasn't an entire summer.
#17 - Season 19
Takeaway - Dumbest cast of Sheep EVER!
If you ever wanted to know why I really am not in favor of Big Brother casting seasons with new houseguests mixed with returning players, season 19 is the example to show people. Paul, who lost in the finale in season 18, returned in 19 and while he was on the block, was rewarded three weeks of safety, due to that stupid Den of Temptation twist. Basically, production rigged the game to keep him in. |
From that day forth the season was doomed. You bring back someone who many thought got screwed in the finale the prior season, the fans vote for him to get protection, the other houseguest see that America likes him, and they all follow behind him like children. You give a player three weeks of safety to make connections with many people who were recruited for the show and never watched an episode, you give him time to convince them he's best for their game, and allow him to lock in an alliance, of course he's going to go far. Plus these people were idiots and unlikable. Cody and Jessica, the dissenting voice, were unlikable too. Jessica got HOH and asked Paul what she should do with it, as a way to repair their relationship. And this idiot nominates and gets Ramses voted out. What a terrible season with a bunch of sheep. And I couldn't even be super happy when Paul lost again in the finale, because he lost to an even bigger pile of waste, Josh. What a terrible season.
#16 - Season 13
Takeaway - Rigged heavy for returning players.
At first glance, I was very excited to see the return of Evel Dick and Danny, Jeff and Jordan, and Brendan and Rachel, three of the most entertaining duos to ever play the game. But when the rest of the cast was revealed and we learned that Evel Dick left the house early, that excitement quickly fizzled. What a mess. |
BB13 just fell flat to me because people I viewed one way, just were so unlikeable, namly Big Jeff. I loved big Jeff in season 11, but here he came off like the fame got to his head. And he worked with of all people, (Rachael and Brendan), whom I never liked. The person I rooted for the most was Danny Donato. Danny lost her father early on and was stuck with two couples, as the returning players. Then she fell for Dominick, a new player who she would later go on to marry after the season, and the vets targeted him just so she wouldn't have a friend to connect with. We did get some drama and fun when she won HOH and was able to get Brendan out, but her army was soooo weak and so stupid. That was the problem with BB13. The cast was put together so that the Vets would go far, it was obvious. Danny had Kalia and Lawan as allies. Jeez.
And let's not mention the time Lawan got himself voted out, believing he would get a special power, and come right back in, only to be evicted, and Brendan come back in. Smh. Then the real reason this season sucks is the obvious rig job production did, as when Rachel was clearly in trouble and should have been the next to go, they brought the teams twist back and she got paired with Porsha, the best remaining competitor in the house, and got saved. Rachel was great in BB12 as a competitor, but although she won season 13, she really didn't deserve it. I really hate when twist and special powers impact the game and season 13 had way too much of that.
And let's not mention the time Lawan got himself voted out, believing he would get a special power, and come right back in, only to be evicted, and Brendan come back in. Smh. Then the real reason this season sucks is the obvious rig job production did, as when Rachel was clearly in trouble and should have been the next to go, they brought the teams twist back and she got paired with Porsha, the best remaining competitor in the house, and got saved. Rachel was great in BB12 as a competitor, but although she won season 13, she really didn't deserve it. I really hate when twist and special powers impact the game and season 13 had way too much of that.
#15 - Season 11
Takeaway - Clique twist SUCKED!!!
Coming off BB10, BB decided to introduce a few new twist for season 11. One of their favorite twist is the couples/partners/duos formats, but this season they decided to split the cast into "Cliques", Athletes, Brains, Popular, and "Off-Beats". What a terrible idea, that of course Survivor did as well, over and over. Plus on top of that, they brought back a former player to add to the cast, which was Jessie from BB10. Why they thought we needed all these twist after BB10 needed none of that to be great? Who the hell knows. |
I had fun watching season 11 for sure, and can't call it a bad season at all. They just threw too many gimmicks and gadgets into the season that messed up the gameplay. I was a big fan of Jeff and Jordan, America's sweethearts, and wanted Jeff to put Russel and Jessie in their place. The house was divided, as you had the people who worshipped Jessie because he was a returning player and they fawned over him. And he basically ran the game for much of the first half due to the stupid clique twist which protected the whole clique when a person one HOH. Watching Natalie, Lydia, and Chima weep over this guy when he was evicted was the worst. But even though I hated him, Jessie was screwed by another thing production introduced into the game, the coup d’éta, which Jeff used to takeover Chima's HOH and get rid of Jessie. But then that made Chima spiral, and she threw her mic into the hot tub and was kicked out. And to cap it off, all the big players eliminated each other and we were left with Jordan and Kevin in the finale. Blah. Entertaining season, but bad gameplay.
#14 - Season 5
Takeaway - Project DNA was groundbreaking, but...
Season 5 followed the trend in season 4 where the season had to have some sort of twist that involved a person being in the house that a houseguest had a connection to. This time it was family. The Twin twist was groundbreaking, for sure, as we had two identical twins switching places in the house without anyone catching on that they were actually two different people. I thought it was genius. But then, they let them both in the house and allowed them to play together. I hated it with a passion! This was not right. |
But season 5 did give us the first male alliance, the Four Horsemen, which was cool for a young man wrestling fan like myself at the time. But I didn't really like them. What did draw me in was Nakomis, especially when she showed just how smart she was and created the first ever backdoor scenario, the six finger plan. Great strategy, because this was the first year only 6 people were allowed to play in the veto. The six finger plan took Scott out and weakened the Horsemen, which was a great moment. But Drew was viewed as a threat as a member of the Horsemen, and overcame it, so he deserves credit for the win. He made strategic alliances with the guys and Diane, that did save him later on, and won three out of the last four HOHs.
#13 - Season 18
Takeaway - How do you let a returning player win?
BB18 is one of those polarizing seasons for me that makes it hard to judge in the scheme of the series. In general, I get so pissed when the show repeats the same twist over and over and they did that here with the returning players as "Team Captains". And while I loved Da'Vonne on season 17, this was a far cry from the returners we got on season 14. Then we got Cody's brother, Paulie Calafiore, who clearly came in with an established alliance with Nicole from BB16. |
The early portion of this game was ran by Paulie. He was able to work well with Frank, Da'Vonne, James and Nicole, when the rest of the first time houseguests wanted to target the returning players (as they should have. Smh). But, like many players who gained power early in seasons before him, he went power crazy. Paulie crumbled. Nicole was able to lock up pretty strong relationships with many of the men in the house, while selling out most of the women. She was protected for most of the season and got to have a showmance for Corey, who would fall on his sword for her. And these idiots let her win. Smart by her, dumb by them.
But this cast was fun to watch. There were some explosive fights and huge blow ups that made the season memorable. How many times did Big Meech just explode on people. Lol. And who could ever forget the blowup between Natalie and Paulie or the jury house segment with Da'Vonne and Paulie. What a season.
But this cast was fun to watch. There were some explosive fights and huge blow ups that made the season memorable. How many times did Big Meech just explode on people. Lol. And who could ever forget the blowup between Natalie and Paulie or the jury house segment with Da'Vonne and Paulie. What a season.
#12 - Season 4
Takeaway - All Women's alliance can Work!
Jun and Allison, the two mean girls who hated each other, teamed up with Erika and were able to work together to manipulate others and get to the end. It was feat we rarely see to this very day in reality TV. This season several of the houseguests played the game against their ex's. As you know, I am not a heavy twist guy, but this was at least interesting and we got some explosive fights out of it. This season also had enemies fighting and then being forced to work with each other because the power shifted. |
I can't really say I loved a lot of the individual people on the cast, but they were not boring. Alison was a hell of a villian and she was exactly the type of person the producers love to cast for Big Brother, as she was using her sexuality to the fullest, manipulating so many of the guys to stay safe. Her and Jun working together would have been unheard of at the start of the season, but it worked, and they made it to the end. Jun was great winner too.
#11 - Season 16
Takeaway - Entertaining but hated Battle of the Block
Coming off the most racist season ever the prior year, BB16 had no choice but to be better or I was never watching the show again. This season the introduced another stupid twist, which like the MVP twist in 15, the houseguest quickly figured out a way to rigg, called the Battle of the Block. Basically we got two HOH's every week and four people got nominated. |
This twist was so dumb and such a waste of time, that its ultimately the reason Derrick, the winner of the season, doesn't get the credit he deserves as one of the greatest winners ever. Derrick was cool, calm, and collected at just about all times. He reminds you of a Dan in many ways, but he just was so connected to everyone in a way where he never got on peoples radar, so they weren't able to figure out that he was the puppet master of the entire season.
You had the final two alliance of Derrick and Cody who were so insulated and connected throughout the house. Derrick had great relationships with Frankie, Beastmode Cowboy, Nicole, Zack, and his secret weapon Victoria. All of these people trusted him completely. While Cody had almost every woman in his pocket and ultimately it was his friendship with Christine, who was OBSESSED with him, that always kept him in the know. No information could get around the house with Frankie, Christine, or Victoria relaying it back to Derrick and Cody. It was a perfect alliance. I really enjoyed the characters in season 16, and it ranks just outside my top ten.
You had the final two alliance of Derrick and Cody who were so insulated and connected throughout the house. Derrick had great relationships with Frankie, Beastmode Cowboy, Nicole, Zack, and his secret weapon Victoria. All of these people trusted him completely. While Cody had almost every woman in his pocket and ultimately it was his friendship with Christine, who was OBSESSED with him, that always kept him in the know. No information could get around the house with Frankie, Christine, or Victoria relaying it back to Derrick and Cody. It was a perfect alliance. I really enjoyed the characters in season 16, and it ranks just outside my top ten.
#10 - Season 17
Takeaway - High level, but twin twist hurt the game.
Season 17 is one of those seasons that you would think I would hate, but the season was packed full of emotional drama, and was so fun to watch! I must say, Vanessa Russo is one of the best players to never win, and watching Steve be crowned the winner, I have not been that happy seeing someone fail in a very long time. It was karma coming back home. |
Those early days of BB17 were the best maybe ever! You had Audrey, the first and only trans woman to play the game, causing so much drama and chaos. It was great. The alliance with Shelly, Clay, Da'Vonne, Jason, Audrey, James, and Meg could have ran the entire game, but it quickly blew up! Then Vanessa found out about the alliance and just turned the who season into a trainwreck. What a messy group. Vanessa was a masterful manipulator. She used her crying and paranoia to get people to do what she wanted. The women on this season were extremely intelligent and smart but also there were some real villains here.
As you know by now, I hate twist, and in BB17, not only did the repeat the stupid Battle of the Block twist from BB16, but they brought back one of the twist I hated the most, from all the way back in season 5, the twin twist. They allowed Julia and Liz to switch and then both were allowed to play together in the game, stacking the deck for Austin and Vanessa. They just knew they had the game all sewn up, and Vanessa took Steve to the end thinking he was an easy goat. But people were tired of her whining and crying and playing victim. It was so satisfying seeing her lose. But she was great TV and a very good player.
As you know by now, I hate twist, and in BB17, not only did the repeat the stupid Battle of the Block twist from BB16, but they brought back one of the twist I hated the most, from all the way back in season 5, the twin twist. They allowed Julia and Liz to switch and then both were allowed to play together in the game, stacking the deck for Austin and Vanessa. They just knew they had the game all sewn up, and Vanessa took Steve to the end thinking he was an easy goat. But people were tired of her whining and crying and playing victim. It was so satisfying seeing her lose. But she was great TV and a very good player.
#9 - Season 8
Takeaway - Underdog won but AP impacts the game.
Season 8 was the first season I actually signed up for the Live feeds, as it was the first season Big Brother After Dark aired on Showtime every night, uncensored, and I wanted more! Coming off All Stars, the show went back to its favorite format, casting people who know each other. This time, some in the cast learned that a rival from their past, or someone they don't get along with would be in the house. While there were a few different pairs, nobody was more explosive than the father and daughter duo of Dick and Daniele. |
Honestly, being as though I watched this season so closely, this was one of my favorite seasons to watch. My younger sister and I would watch the feeds daily during the summer and just became engulfed with the hilarity that is Evel Dick. We loved watching Dick torment people, while protecting his daughter. He was mean, but normally it was in response to what others did. He was just the most notorious player the show has ever had. When he woke the house up beating the pot lid with a wooden spoon and mocking WAAAMber, we fell out in laughter. Sure, many hated him and thought he was a bully who was bad for the show, but not me. I loved it! Then he would talk to the audience every morning and tell us what he was thinking and why he did things. Great.
Dick and Danielle, despite being hated by the house, were able to make it to the final two together. But the only drawback of the season, and reason I can't rank the season higher is the fact that the season result was impacted greatly by America's favorite player, Eric. America basically got to vote for things Eric had to complete, and we controlled all his decisions in the house, including who he voted for and what things he had to push for. So because America loved Dick, Eric was forced to do things that were better for Dick and worst for him. This put a taint on the season and it is a reason why, while this season was wildly entertaining, it's not as high up.
Dick and Danielle, despite being hated by the house, were able to make it to the final two together. But the only drawback of the season, and reason I can't rank the season higher is the fact that the season result was impacted greatly by America's favorite player, Eric. America basically got to vote for things Eric had to complete, and we controlled all his decisions in the house, including who he voted for and what things he had to push for. So because America loved Dick, Eric was forced to do things that were better for Dick and worst for him. This put a taint on the season and it is a reason why, while this season was wildly entertaining, it's not as high up.
#8 - Season 12
Takeaway - Funniest season but foregone conclusion.
If I'm being completely honest, BB12 is the season I can watch repeatedly, and more often than any other season. If ranked these seasons according to favorite, not best, this would be top three, and easily the funniest season ever. Brittany Haynes is the houseguest I enjoy watching the most throughout the history of Big Brother. Ever. Her humor is second to none, but the fact that she was on the season with Enzo and Lane, only made this even funnier. |
The reason why I couldn't rank the season higher is because the Brigade were simply too dominant. The Brigade, Enzo, Matt, Lane, and the winner of BB12 Hayden, formed an alliance at the very beginning and rode it all the way to the end. The plan was masterful. The key was each person would create a side alliance that would disguise the main alliance, and ensure that they could redirect each vote where they wanted it to go. They played everybody, so it made everyone else look like idiots. In addition, this season gave us the best female competitor since the days of Janelle and Danny Donato, in Rachel Riley. Rachel was a challenge beast and she was strong woman who wanted to really win. But her soclai game sucked and she got into fights that allowed the Brigade to skate under the radar most of the season. The fights were epic, the jokes were legendary, and this season was explosive. Best diary room season since BB3 in my opinion. But just too predictable.
#7 - Season 20
Takeaway - Two big alliances and a lot of betrayal!
Some may wonder if this is a case of recency bias, but trust me, it's not. BB20 was one of the best seasons the show has ever had, and I'm sure some may have it higher on their list. To be honest, had Tyler won the game, and not boring Kaycee, this would be ranked even higher. Tyler was instrumental in not only one of the strongest alliances the show has ever had, but he developed so many side alliances. He fooled so many for the entire season. |
While Tyler was the best player of the season, he ultimately didn't win because he betrayed people who trusted him. The season was basically based around a split house. Two big alliances were formed early, there were a few key defections and multiple betrayals that made this season fireworks just about every week. On one side you had Level 6, which was a super secret alliance that stayed under the radar as a unit the entire season. So much so that Fouta thought they had Tyler on their side, when we knew he wasn't. He turned Kaitlyn against them and blindsided Swaggy C. He stoked flames and caused fights. HOH went back and forth between the two alliances, and while Level 6 lost Winston and Rachel, Tyler was able to sway the knuckleheads on the other side so many times, so they didn't go after Level 6 when they had far more opportunities. Fessy, was basically snowed the entire season, by JC, who was getting snowed by Tyler. Brett was able to manipulate and cause so much trouble, especially with his eviction night speeches.
Honestly there are a few reasons why I didn't rank the season higher. There was some controversial things said that can't be ignored, and some bigotry in the house. If JC wasn't on the season, it would have been far less problematic. The power apps and special powers always bring seasons like this down. Sam, who had no business in a game like this, was basically used as a weapon by Tyler for the whole season, because she had a stupid special power that everyone was scared of. And the end game wasn't as strong as it could have been. But in the end, the game was so explosive and so entertaining, it definitely is in my top ten, easy.
Honestly there are a few reasons why I didn't rank the season higher. There was some controversial things said that can't be ignored, and some bigotry in the house. If JC wasn't on the season, it would have been far less problematic. The power apps and special powers always bring seasons like this down. Sam, who had no business in a game like this, was basically used as a weapon by Tyler for the whole season, because she had a stupid special power that everyone was scared of. And the end game wasn't as strong as it could have been. But in the end, the game was so explosive and so entertaining, it definitely is in my top ten, easy.
#6 - Season 2
Takeaway - Dr. Will is one of the greatest for a reason.
Coming off season 1, where the format was that America voted people out, season 2 was a completely different format where the house would vote people out and vote for the the winner. Dr. Will, the ultimate puppet master teamed up with Boogie and Shannon as Chilltown. Will was so good that he was able to save himself from the block three times, and this was before the veto was introduced into the game. Will was arrogant and hated by many, and still able to win the game by a 5-2 vote. This was an amazing feat. |
Remember, this was at a time when the the jury could go home and watch the episodes for themselves and see the diary rooms before voting. Insane. He's without question, the architect and most impressive winner. So you may ask, why is this season ranked 6th? Honestly, while there was some great stuff early with Dr. Will, Boogie and Shannon dunking on people, especially in the diary room. Getting rid of Hardy was cool, and Monica was a firecracker, but after Will's arms were cut off, not a lot of thrills. The game was in basically early development, and to rank it higher would be a disservice to some of what we saw in the future.
#5 - Season 14
Takeaway - Despite coaches, super fun and strategic.
Season 14 is still one of my favorite seasons ever. It's the only season that I could ever put in my top 10 that had a cast of new and returning players, which I normally don't like. And that's largely because during the early part of the season, the returning players were there as coaches and not actually "in" the game. Mike Boogie, Janelle, Dan, and Britney Haynes was such a weird casting but they all proved to be great! |
I could actually make a convincing case why season 14 is my favorite season if I really tried, and that's largely because of all the twist and turns, and non stop action we got. From a strategic standpoint, here you have Boogie, who screwed over Janelle in season 7, returning with her again, and this time trying to prove that he's a deserving winner and as smart as Dr. Will, who largely gets all the credit for both season Boogie was on. Then you have Janelle, who is a legit icon and competition beast, who is largely regarded as the best to never win. Next, Britney Haynes, who was played by the Brigade in season 12, but widely regarded as the funniest woman to ever play, but not a great player. And finally Dan, who played a game only compared to Dr. Will, and one of the greatest ever. This collection all together, was pure gold.
So much happened in season 14 that it would be difficult for me to hit every highlight without missing something, which explains why it's such a great season. The Quack Pack, which is a stupid name, was one of my favorite alliances ever, as Ian Terry was able to break away from Boogie and join Dan, Britney, Danielle, and Shane and ride that group all the way to the end. Ian ve Frank the Tank was an epic showdown. Frank vs Dan. Remember crazy Willie Hantz who got kicked out for trying to beat up Chef Joe!!! Britney blindsided Janelle, Ian blindsiding Boogie, and the most notorious moment of them all, DAN'S FUNERAL!!! I loved this season. And though Dan played a masterful game, he got bit by a bitter jury and lost to Ian in the finale, the flaw of the season. Had Dan won this season, this would be number 1 on my list, without hesitation. But still sensational.
So much happened in season 14 that it would be difficult for me to hit every highlight without missing something, which explains why it's such a great season. The Quack Pack, which is a stupid name, was one of my favorite alliances ever, as Ian Terry was able to break away from Boogie and join Dan, Britney, Danielle, and Shane and ride that group all the way to the end. Ian ve Frank the Tank was an epic showdown. Frank vs Dan. Remember crazy Willie Hantz who got kicked out for trying to beat up Chef Joe!!! Britney blindsided Janelle, Ian blindsiding Boogie, and the most notorious moment of them all, DAN'S FUNERAL!!! I loved this season. And though Dan played a masterful game, he got bit by a bitter jury and lost to Ian in the finale, the flaw of the season. Had Dan won this season, this would be number 1 on my list, without hesitation. But still sensational.
#4 - Season 3
Takeaway - A bitter jury creates the robbed Goddess.
What can I say about BB3 other than I absolutely loved it!! This season we were blessed to be introduced to the original Queen of BB, the robbed Goddess herself, Ms. Danielle Reyes. No disrespect to Lisa, who won the season, but Danielle was victim to the first bitter jury in Big Brother history. Danielle and Jason laid a foundation for all future alliances. |
But in the end, the format of the show screwed her. Unlike in season 2, where the jury was also able to go home after they were eliminated, and watch the show, this jury went home and watch everything online and the Danielle's diary room sessions from throughout the season, and then they came back at the end of the game and voted on the winner. They voted with their emotions, because in the Diary room, Danielle was so entertaining and cracking jokes and explaining how she was playing all these people throughout the season. So instead of recognizing how masterful her gameplay was, they said they wouldn't reward another "Dr. Will" like last season, and they voted for Lisa. A travesty, and the only drawback of an otherwise EXCELLENT season. My favorite part was Marcellus not using the veto on himself and they voted his ass right out! LMAO. Loved it.
#3 - Season 7
Takeaway - Chilltown dissects "The Sovereign 6".
Heading in to season 7, we got to vote on who we wanted to see return for the first All Star season. Of course because season 6 was so popular, they had four people return, which immediately put a huge target on their back, but also gave them power. This season was strange for me in some ways because I liked so many of the people on the cast, so it was hard to root against the clear dominant force in the house like I normally do. I love the underdogs. |
But this is where Dr. Will showed why he was able to win season 2 in the manner in which he did, and cemented himself as the original greatest player of all time. He's a master manipulator, and he and Boogie were able to infiltrate the Season 6 crew quickly. Chilltown ran this season, largely because Will hooked up with Janelle and Boogie hooked up with Erika, plus they were able to build the Legion of Doom alliance with Danielle and James. Sitting between these two alliances, and having everyone shoot at each other was simply brilliant.
The way Will played Janelle, especially when instead of getting revenge on Danielle and James for taking out Kaysar, he's able to convince her to take out Marcellas of all people. Smh. But they lied and played everyone, mocked them in the diary room. The secret weapon was Janelle, as she was their protection, due to winning 4 HOHs and 5 Vetoes. In the end, Will took the bullet for the team, when Janelle and Erika smartened up and eliminated Will. This saved the the season for us Janelle fans, as her dignity was restored in some way. But again, she came up short, third place again, as Boogie won his was to the end. Super entertaining season.
The way Will played Janelle, especially when instead of getting revenge on Danielle and James for taking out Kaysar, he's able to convince her to take out Marcellas of all people. Smh. But they lied and played everyone, mocked them in the diary room. The secret weapon was Janelle, as she was their protection, due to winning 4 HOHs and 5 Vetoes. In the end, Will took the bullet for the team, when Janelle and Erika smartened up and eliminated Will. This saved the the season for us Janelle fans, as her dignity was restored in some way. But again, she came up short, third place again, as Boogie won his was to the end. Super entertaining season.
#2 - Season 6
Takeaway - The "Friendship" beats the "Sovereign 6."
Coming off season 5, and the hidden pair twist, BB came right back for the third season in a row with another twist where each person had a friend secretly come into the game with them. Overkill in my opinion, but I will never complain about what we got from season 6! The war between the Friendship alliance, led by Maggie, and the Sovereign Six, led by Kasar, was the greatest alliance duel BB has ever had! |
I could honestly write an essay about season 6 and in many ways it could have been my favorite season of all time, had some of the dumb moves by some of my favorite players, not caused so much distress. In all actuality, while the fans, myself included, loved the Sovereign Six, and despite the HOH flipping back and forth between the two alliances week after week, the Friendship alliance dominated this game. Maggie, the winner, and deserving mastermind, had an underrated social game that continually saved her despite being on the block four times. She is one of the greatest to ever play, like it or not.
These people hated each other and there was no blurred lines. But Kasar, one of the most popular player ever, who was voted out and voted back in by America, thought he could bring the two sides together to take out someone neither side trusted, James. But Maggie swayed the power back her way, and they voted Kasar's ass right back out again! Pitiful. But Janelle fought hard and made it all the way to th final three, giving us so much enjoyment along the way. Loved this season.
These people hated each other and there was no blurred lines. But Kasar, one of the most popular player ever, who was voted out and voted back in by America, thought he could bring the two sides together to take out someone neither side trusted, James. But Maggie swayed the power back her way, and they voted Kasar's ass right back out again! Pitiful. But Janelle fought hard and made it all the way to th final three, giving us so much enjoyment along the way. Loved this season.
#1 - Season 10
Takeaway - Back to Basics is always for the Best!
In my opinion, there is no season I enjoyed more on so many levels, than season 10. This season checks every box, as the power shifted multiple times, the cast was diverse in so many ways, there was excellent strategic play, there was a strong alliance, the cast was filled with interesting and hilarious characters, the comps were fun and difficult, excellent live feeds, the winner is one of, if not the, greatest player of all time, and lastly but most importantly, the season had no gimmicks or stupid TWIST!!!!!. |
This cast was so well balanced. You had a range of ages and races, and walks of life coming together to play and they hated each other!!! It was a true battle till the end, and the the fights were epic! Libra, April, and Keesha, the Coven, argued and fought and kept things so fun. Ollie and April, Dan and Memphis, Memphis and Keesha, Remy and Keesha, Dan and Jerry, Jessie and Michelle, and the list goes on! But Dan was the key to this season. His social game and ability to connect and manipulate is second to none. He was in trouble early on, then bounced back and blew his "mist" on the entire cast. Even Jerry, who called him Judas, voted for him. He was the master of jury management in season 10, something that hurt in him in season 14. What a great season. Still one of my favorite moments ever was the fight on Keesha's birthday. Lol. So messy, so great.
I truly think that the game is at its best when the producers allow the characters to drive the action and the drama. Too many twist and too many special powers can ruin a season and throw monkey wrenches in what could be a great cast. If CBS concentrated more on casting more diverse and complex characters, and less time on building extravagant sets and setting up unnecessary twist, the show would be alot better. Season 10 was great because it had all the basic elements that we have grown to love about the game, (HOH, Nominations, Veto, Veto Ceremony, Eviction, Jury sequestered away, Jury votes for a winner) but it consisted of a cast of new players, playing the game to win. This is the model I use when I show someone a season of Big Brother. In my opinion, season 10 is the best season of all time.
I truly think that the game is at its best when the producers allow the characters to drive the action and the drama. Too many twist and too many special powers can ruin a season and throw monkey wrenches in what could be a great cast. If CBS concentrated more on casting more diverse and complex characters, and less time on building extravagant sets and setting up unnecessary twist, the show would be alot better. Season 10 was great because it had all the basic elements that we have grown to love about the game, (HOH, Nominations, Veto, Veto Ceremony, Eviction, Jury sequestered away, Jury votes for a winner) but it consisted of a cast of new players, playing the game to win. This is the model I use when I show someone a season of Big Brother. In my opinion, season 10 is the best season of all time.