What You Should have Watched Last Night:
Sunday Night 10-25-15
Check out my review of several shows I watched on Sunday night that were of very high quality.
This week on The GoodWife, Alicia turned down a offer to return to the firm. Clearly she is finding her footing working on her own, and working in bond court, and feels she doesn't need to go back. I am happy for her. I like her now that she is out on her own and not running behind anyone.
Also, Eli's plan to turn the family against Ruth failed this week. He tried though. Lol. I really am starting to dislike Peter, which is what the writers intended to happen, so I guess that's great creative on their part.
Episode Rating: Good Stuff
Also, Eli's plan to turn the family against Ruth failed this week. He tried though. Lol. I really am starting to dislike Peter, which is what the writers intended to happen, so I guess that's great creative on their part.
Episode Rating: Good Stuff
Man, Blood and Oil ended with a shock this week. The hook for next week is whether Cody was injured to the point where she lost the baby or the baby was injured. It was crazy. Billy is going to kill Wick if he finds out he was the reason that thug was involved.
Another major hook was Hap calling Billy's bluff on exposing his relationship with Jules. Jules is sexy as all hell by the way. I really hope they don't cancel this show because I am enjoying it.
Episode Rating: Very Good
Another major hook was Hap calling Billy's bluff on exposing his relationship with Jules. Jules is sexy as all hell by the way. I really hope they don't cancel this show because I am enjoying it.
Episode Rating: Very Good
This week on Quantico, Alex fought hard to prove her innocence. She took to the underground internet to get her own message out declaring her innocence. Best part was when it was revealed that she was hiding out in a Muslim Mosque.
Shelby’s no longer Alex’s hostage and she actually believes Alex is innocent. Simon and Ryan are working together for Alex from the inside, and it looks like they have another suspect in mind. Should be heating up soon.
Episode Rating: Great
Shelby’s no longer Alex’s hostage and she actually believes Alex is innocent. Simon and Ryan are working together for Alex from the inside, and it looks like they have another suspect in mind. Should be heating up soon.
Episode Rating: Great
Carrie and Quinn's reunion on Homeland was great. Scenes like the recording of the video serve as a potent reminder of why Claire Danes is one of the best female actresses in the business.
The reveal of the Allison twist really works. Putting her in the middle of the plot to kill Carrie and Quinn gives the character depth and pulls her into the middle of the story. Now she's just not the girl Saul is screwing, but she is a covert operative traitor who is using him. Plus we all knew Saul would never order a hit on Carrie and would never enlist Quinn to do it.
Episode Rating: Really Good
The reveal of the Allison twist really works. Putting her in the middle of the plot to kill Carrie and Quinn gives the character depth and pulls her into the middle of the story. Now she's just not the girl Saul is screwing, but she is a covert operative traitor who is using him. Plus we all knew Saul would never order a hit on Carrie and would never enlist Quinn to do it.
Episode Rating: Really Good
Last night's episode of The Affair was such a great example of what makes this show great. Cheaters are selfish. No other way to put it. Looking at this situation from Helen and Martin's perspective just magnifies that fact even more. There are consequences, far beyond your selfish feelings that effect the ones around you when you decide to step out on your significant other.
Martin has put his lust/love for Alison before the well being of his children, and his decision to cheat on then leave his wife has really destroyed her as well. If people feel they are not for one another any longer, there has to be a way to come to a decision to go your separate ways without lying and cheating and throwing lives of your children into a tailspin. Right?
That is what this show is exploring, and I love it.
Episode Rating: Excellent
Martin has put his lust/love for Alison before the well being of his children, and his decision to cheat on then leave his wife has really destroyed her as well. If people feel they are not for one another any longer, there has to be a way to come to a decision to go your separate ways without lying and cheating and throwing lives of your children into a tailspin. Right?
That is what this show is exploring, and I love it.
Episode Rating: Excellent