WWE RAW Reaction - Return of Shane O'Mac
Check out my great, good, and pathetic from last night's RAW.
This week, there was some bad I could nitpick about but I won't, as the show was more focused than it has been in awhile, mostly because its Mania season, and everything has a purpose and reason.
But the Pathetic, was really damn pathetic!!!!
This week, there was some bad I could nitpick about but I won't, as the show was more focused than it has been in awhile, mostly because its Mania season, and everything has a purpose and reason.
But the Pathetic, was really damn pathetic!!!!
- Before RAW, WWE's Facebook posted a video of Brock attacking Ambrose in the parking lot while he was trying to enter the building. He then threw him through a car windshield. It was absolutely EXCELLENT!!! I loved this sooo much and for me it undoubtedly the best thing on the show, and it wasn't actually on the show. But I don't care!! The beat down later in the show was a great moment as well.
- The arrival of Shane McMahon was a hell of a surprise and the ovation from the crowd was hotter than for Austin or Rock. What a hell of a moment.
- The New Day had their own cereal, Booti-Os. Man, I laughed so hard off that. They are overkill sometimes but its still magic in there.
- I want to hate this, I really do. I hate that the McMahon's dominate TV and book themselves in all the top programs and as the focal point of the overall TV product. But Shane's return and the performances of Vince and Stef were really good. I don't want to see Shane vs the Undertaker, but at least it makes since from Vince's perspective. I will let it play out. May change for the better.
- The crowd really helped this show and I thought the New Day vs Lucha Dragons match was really good. Good action and a great showcase.
- Sasha Banks defeated Naomi in a very good TV match. Iove these two together, and Naomi was a very good opponent to make Sasha look good. Well, that ain't hard, cause they both are banging.
- Charlotte and Ric Flair together are one of the best acts in all of wrestling. I love Flair's reactions to her promos, and how she tries to contain and hold him back from stealing the spotlight. Its great. Lol.
Sometimes I really hate this company. I wish the people in charge could push their own ego to the side and actually book wrestling angles and scenarios that make sense, make stars, and get more than themselves over. That last segment were HHH, the man who is supposed to be the biggest heel in the company, booked himself to be the biggest baby face in the company and absolutely destroyed Roman Reigns. I know what some of you idiots are saying. Well, its payback for when Roman destroyed and laid him out. No fools, payback was HHH coming out and booking himself to win the Royal Rumble. But eh couldn't even do that right, as he booked himself to win clean!!!! He didn't cheat. He just came out and won. So a night after Roman is boo'd once again after defeating Brock and Ambrose, HHH comes out and beats him like a bloody stuffed pig, leaving him laying blood as the crowd cheers him on. What? But this isn't news.The crowd has disliked Roman for a long time. And you had to know that Roman was going to get the boo treatment and HHH would be celebrated. But no, they did it anyway. Why, because its HHH, and he loves to be worshiped and adored. He was welcoming it, crotch chopping and all. What sense does any of this make. Are they trying to make the next big baby face? Cause if so, end the experiment, its already failed. And this is not a John Cena reaction. John Cena was waaaay more over than Roman Reigns before he started getting boo'd, and then even after that, he would at least have the women and children cheering for him. Reigns has nobody!!!!!! Its ridiculous, and HHH doesn't care. He will justify it by saying he will lose in the end and Reign's will get his revenge. But what does that prove? The man is already dead!!! There is no coming back. That segment was absolute garbage and the worst thing they could have ever done for a guy they wanted to be the next big thing. Could you imagine this happening to Goldberg on the way up? Single handily getting his ass beat in a fair fight with no weapon. HHH destroyed him with no help and no weapon. An old semi retired CEO, bat the shit out of the top face, and Im supposed to care now. PATHETIC!!!!!!
Shane McMahon will face the Undertaker at WrestleMania in a Hell in a Cell match with control of the company on the line. Honestly, I just wish wrestlers could be booked in feuds that have nothing to do with power of the company or the Authority or any of this bullshit. I wish they spend more time and energy on actual young talent with potential for growth. But whatever.