Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Check out my great, good, bad, and pathetic from WWE TV this week.
What a sensational job the WWE did honoring the life and career of Bruno Sammartino. I know I have written about Bruno a lot over the last week, but he's one of the most important wrestlers in the company's history and just a few years ago, they wouldn't even acknowledge his existence. It's so strange how things work, as had he died prior to making peace with Vince, I'm sure he would've just gotten a graphic, possibly a short video, and nothing else. But they went all out and did well by Bruno. Though he and Vince still were not friends, at least he allowed Bruno's contributions to be properly memorialized.
Braun Stroman is the guy. The people love him and he's not just a great baby face but an excellent character, no matter the role. He and Lashley were great together and Owen's and Zayn had a fun heated match with them. Great stuff, best thing all night.
Drew McIntyre is an excellent talker and he cut one hell of a promo after he and Dolph got their first victory together. I really like this pairing and I hope McIntyre is pushed into the main event because he checks every box.
Ronda looked good in the run in she did to close the show, although it sure was super telegraphed and obvious. As for the match, it was a solid 10 man tag, but I don't think Natty should be this much of a focal point at this stage in her career. But whatever.
Just end this Brock vs Roman feud. I'm so sick of Heyman cutting the same long pointless promo and Reigns coming out looking like a bitch. This feud should be over. Hopefully Brock wins on Friday and Braun is the one to dethrone him at a big show.
I'm just not a fan of Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt. It just doesn't entertain me and Bray is watering things down in my opinion. Hardy should be doing skits and developing the Broken, or Woken gimmick and not wrestling matches with those bulky knees.
I hate fluke wins, but on occasion they can a cool thing. Tonight was not that night. First Bobby Roode loses to Elias in a way that it looked like a fluke, but shouldn't have been if both guys are to be taken seriously. So what was accomplished? Nothing. Why book the match if you don't want one guy to go over and look strong. Then it completely undermines the value when an hour later you have Chad Gable luck up and get a nfluke win over Jinder. How does that help him? He struggled with fucking Jinder. Smh. He should be mopping the floor with Jinder. It's poor planning.
They are actively trying to destroy the careers and popularity of Sasha and Bayley. This is the worst fucking booking I have seen of two super talented people, maybe ever. What the fuck is going on. They break them up, but no they are not broke up. Friends, enemies, who the hell knows. Start stop usually ends with people not giving a shit and wanting you to go away. I hate that Sasha is being subjected to this, while Alexa Bliss has time to get a new tit job, get a chance to cut taped promos that further and character and story, and get a title match on the next PPV. This is ridiculous.
I absolutely love heel Nakamura, other than his new song, which I will discuss later. He's just sensational. His mannerisms work so much better as a heel and they have booked him super strong. He should win the title at Backlash, not Friday.
I must say, Carmella was sensational this week. Her mic skills have really gotten so much better and she works her gimmick perfectly. Milking the crowd, showing the highlight video over and over, and her version of the Flair strut looked sensational, especially with that outfit. And Charlotte dropping her was excellently done as well.
I really liked the interaction between Jimmy Uso and Naomi. He's an excellent talker and the conversation and chemistry between the two just felt authentic and well done. Of course as a married couple, they should be great together, but WWE often doesn't allow people to be natural. This was good.
I think it's a good idea to elevate talented guys or at least give them a few wins for credibility and that's what they did by having Shelton Benjamin beat Randy Orton. It's interesting how they've been serving so many different masters with booking for the Saudi show, some of the matches which are interbrand, and still focusing on the upcoming Backlash PPV.
Big Cass sucks on the mic and I have no idea why, with all the talent they have on the roster, they chose to start the show with this goof ruining the Miz/Bryan confrontation. Especially after advertising it. Cass sucks and I have no desire to see him and Bryan feud. None.
The IIconics promo was horrible and it died a miserable death. Show started with two acts, them and Cass, with the "look" Vince likes, bombing on the mic. Not good at all.
What the fuck have they done. Why the hell would you change Nakamura's song? He's a heel, but he could still have his excellent song. I'm so pissed off!! People sang Bobby Roode's song when he was a heel. The sky didn't fall and nobody was outraged. The song is part of the Nakamura package. This was pathetic.
I absolutely hate false advertising. They promoted a confrontation between Bryan and Miz, very hard I might add, and we got nothing. In fact Bryan was only seen as he laid on the floor due to a mystery attack. I think they need to pull the trigger, and let Bryan dispatch of Miz and move on to bigger things. I simply hate this promotion style, as all it does is make the fans lose trust in the advertising and doubt anything they say will actually happen.
Final Thoughts: While there were a few highlights this week, I think the mixed focus of trying to introduce new characters and stories after the rosters have been shaken up, combined with the fact that they are trying to promote two different major events, really made this not that great of a week. Hopefully things start settling down a but after this Saudi show, and we can focus more on a build for Backlash and establish what programs and titles are in the works for the next run until Summerslam.