Run It Back DVR Review: Fall Season #2
Monday 9/26/16 - Sunday 10/2/16
Man, I watch a lot of great TV. With so many great shows airing each day, its impossible to watch everything live, or on a daily basis. So this is the best way for me to give my quick thoughts on what's happening on all the shows I watch.
Each and every week here at Causioncreations, I will "Run back" over my DVR and give my quick thoughts on all the shows. I start on Monday and run until Sunday. Some weeks I may skip a show, so the next week I will cover any episode I may have missed the previous week.
So let's get to it.
Each and every week here at Causioncreations, I will "Run back" over my DVR and give my quick thoughts on all the shows. I start on Monday and run until Sunday. Some weeks I may skip a show, so the next week I will cover any episode I may have missed the previous week.
So let's get to it.
Kevin Can Wait on CBS
Opening scene, he accidentally rubs icey hot on his arm pit. Lol. Then he notices his wife sleeps with her eyes Rolling to the back of her head. He never knew her sleeping face was like that cause he normally sleeps turned away. This shits hilarious. Then when ya boy cried at the cooking show elimination. Smh. |
Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood on VH1
Welp, Lyrica’s mother did not take the news well that she and A1 got married. This lady crazy boy. And A1's mother is hood as hell Lol. The fact that it all unfolded in front of everyone was crazy. Poor Lyrica. She a cool good chick and deserve better. In other news Nikki phat as a mofo and Rosa Costa sexy as hell. |
Brooklyn Nine Nine on FOX
Yes, the cast is all back. And the new Captain is a hilarious disgrace. My man Boil is the best with the treadmill desk. And Terry cracked for a yogurt fridge. Lmao. Best part “I'm Tito and I’m great at smoking meth”!!! LMAO. The thing about Brooklyn Nine Nine that makes the show excellent continues to be the ensemble cast and I think the writers do the best job of giving everyone a place to shine. Great example this week. |
Atlanta on FX
Hold up, Justin Beiber? Lol Wtf. Yo him and Paper boy was hilarious on the basketball court. Lol. That’s exactly how it be. But why he take Yo shoes off and throw em. Lol. Those poor kids. I loved the scene at the shooting range where he pulled out a dog target sheet. This was deep and really hit Home. The life of a dog has more value than a particular race of humans to some people. Powerful. |
Halt and Catch Fire on AMC
Man, this episode was nuts. Relationship between Cameron and Donna has crumbled in a matter of weeks and there may be no coming back from this one. I get it both sides really, because Cam is controlling and ego driven, but Donna also is ambitious and wants to do things her way. That final scene where they voted against Cam, even though she said she was out of they did was the craziest of the series. And how about Joe? Wow. |
Survivor on CBS
I can't lie, that may have been the most action packed intriguing episode of Survivor we have had the pleasure of witnessing in many years. It had everything! You had David finding the Idol, a two enemies joining together for a blindside at Tribal, and a medical situation that almost changed the game. I can't lie, when Paul went down, part of me was like YES!!! But then he healed and while I was happy he was ok, I was a bit sad for game purposes. Blindsides have become over done on this show, but this one was nuts!! Great show! |
Lethal Weapon on FOX
This week Murtaugh learned more about his new partner and it clearly began to bind the two closer together. Riggs is messed up in the head, and rightfully so after losing his wife and child in a tragic accident. Its not something that I could believe you would just get over quickly, and to that end I think the show finds its sweet spot when touching on the emotions involved. Its clearly another crime procedural in many ways, but I like the humor and character development so far. |
Empire on FOX
Throughout season 1 of Empire, I declared it one of the best seasons of a TV show I could remember seeing. But in the end, I felt they rushed through way too many story lines that could have been stretched out and developed. This was made even worst in season 2. Horrible. But I must say, so far this season has been refreshing. They have slowed things down and stories are breathing and building. I will cross my fingers and hope it sticks. |
Blackish on ABC
These are the types of episodes that make this show great. Last week was disappointing but this week tackled a real issue and added in a lot of humor at the same time. I loved it. Zoe wasn’t sure in her belief in God and the way they tackled the issue was excellent. And when Ruby heard about it, my my LOL!!! Sweet black Jesus!! The end where the baby’s heart beat couldn’t be heard was one of the most real moments the show has ever had. |
Speechless on ABC
I love JJ!!! For once a guy with a physical challenge is treated like a regular comedic character and its working!! Kenneth and JJ together is excellent. JJ a creeper. Lol. This family is off the chain. Lol. I love this show!!! And I love the comedic timing of the father. The scenes where he was schooling his daughter were excellent. They are not jerks, they are idiots. I must say, after just two episodes I'm fully invested and this show is climbing my list. |
Law and Order: SVU on NBC
I love when SVU goes back into its long history and continues a story from earlier in the series. This time a young man was convicted for rape and served 16 years in jail, only to be later found innocent, released, and assaults and kills his accusers daughter. This was so well done and it made you think about the issue form all sides. The man almost got off because the mother was scared to once again be wrong about accusing the man. Please watch this episode. |
Designated Survivor on ABC
Two weeks in and this is one of my favorite shows. I tell you, more and more Tom shows flashes of that Jack Bauer fire and I love it. Best part was when he stood up to the Joint Chief when he tried to force him to name the Middle Eastern group as the cause of the bombings. When he said "Get me 100% guarantee dammit!!!", I cheered and pumped my fist rapidly!!! I loved it!! Next week they will challenge if he should be illegible to be President. Can't Wait!! |
Grey's Anatomy on ABC
Meredith Grey is once again in the middle of some bullshit. Poor Maggie. She just can't win. I get that Riggs ain't feeling her, but clearly she's not getting the hints. Meredith should just come clean with her and let her sister know the truth. But nope, she just lets this fester. Terrible. And Alex. Smh. This guys can't get out of his own way. On a positive note, i'm rooting for Jackson and April. All the hell they been through the last few years makes these two deserve happiness more than anybody. |
The Good Place on NBC
So last week we found out at the end of the episode that the Monk actually speaks, and this week we found out that he's no Monk and he's just like Eleanor, in the wrong place. Lol. I loved the scene where everyone gets what they declared their favorite meal from when they were alive and Eleanor got nothing because she said her favorite meal was when she went on hunger strike!! This show is a refreshing comedy that doesn't take a lot of thought and the half hour just breezes by. |
Pitch on FOX
Week 2 of Pitch really made some strides to give the show a great identity that can be built off for the long run. This week wasn't all about what happened on the field but more the relationships between Ginny and her team. As well as Ginny and her business manager Amelia. Ginny does not want to be viewed as a poster boy token player, but a part of the team. The fact that Al, the manager, is about to lose his job is a great story line to dig in on and I thought they did a good job not wrapping it all up this week. A lot to build on. |
How to Get Away With Murder on ABC
Annalise can be the baddest female on TV when she is on her game and we got a taste of it this week. I loved the scene where the board explained that for her own good they would have to suspend her while they investigated who was posting the flyers around campus. And rather than just going along, she attacked the only way Annalise Keating can. Like Boss. Safe to say, she's still working. Lol. Hats off to my man Asher. Stay getting the draws. And this week we learned the first person who is not the one dead and that's Oliver. I was like, so??? |
60 Days In on A&E
Everything was shaken up this week on 60 Days. For weeks I have been saying that Ryan was in too deep. This week it came to a head when he refused to give info he learned about the inmates to the producers and even the Sheriff when he asked him. He said he was loyal to the inmates!!! What the hell is wrong with this dude. He said he's in deep cover. What? So seeing this, the Sheriff got his ass outta there and put him in another POD. LOL. He's pissed and now he has to start over. In too deep man, in too deep. This episode is a must see!! |
Secrets and Lies on ABC
The story is beginning to fill out more in week 2. Now we know that there is possibility that Eric's wife may have been killed by an extortionist who was trying to bleed money out of him. That explains why she withdrew 100 grand. Or Eric's buddy may be caught up in stuff that got her caught in the cross hairs. Or she may have been cheating on Eric and he found out and killed. Shit, we really know nothing and I'm more confused that I was before!!! I love it!!! |
Shameless on Showtime
The e craziest family on TV returned on Sunday and I continue to be shocked by these fools. Lol. First off, my Kevin is the motherf*cking man!!!!! LOL. And its working out! Debbie is really sinking to Frank levels rather quickly, becoming a thief and a con woman. Its great. Lol. And Carl, Lol, poor Carl. You can get her, but he's going to great lengths to keep her. Far greater than any man should. And then there is the most pathetic father in the history of TV. They should have tied brick to him. |
Masters of Sex on Showtime
This week really took this show in a direction I didn't see coming. Lol. Who would have thought that we would be seeing Bill giving Libby any type of oral treatment other than arguing. This was crazy!!! If they only did more fun things like this when they were married, they would still be married. And i loved it when Virginia saw Bill at Libby's how in his boxers and was immediately jealous. Then when she came clean to what he already knew, he blew her off. Loved it!!! |