LC's Survivor 41 Coverage - Week 12 Update
CausionsCreations is back with our weekly coverage Survivor, season 41. Check back every week for new updates, which will chronicled from most recent (top) to oldest (bottom). Here we will include links to our own podcast as well as links to my favorite coverage from Rob Has a Podcast and Dalton Ross.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Danny
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander has an immunity idol.
Did Any Drama Occur? - Deshawn threw Erika under the bus by telling everyone that she was willing to cut Heather and not go to the end with her. Everyone acted shocked, but in reality it changed nothing.
What was the reason? - They wanted to flush Danny's idol, so they split the vote. and Deshawn made more relationships and was more unlikeable, so they kept him around.
Do or Die Twist
The tribe had to choose whether to play for immunity or sit out. The first person to drop would be forced to participate in the Do or Die challenge at Tribal. If they lose they are out the game, if they win, the tribe votes.
Deshawn dropped out of the challenge first and was forced to play Do or Die. At Tribal he had to choose one of three boxes. If he chose a box with fire he was safe, if he chose a skull he would be eliminated. He was safe.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Liana & Ricard
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander has an extra vote and an immunity idol. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - All the drama surrounded Deshawn's Do or Die and him crying because he felt guilty about voting out Shan at the last tribal. He was full of shit and trying to save face after being called a snake.
What was the reason? - Once Deshawn was safe, the players outside the now weak black alliance just piled their votes on Liana, and Xander used his extra vote to finish her off once and for all. Forgone conclusion that the black players would all go in a row after they turned on Shan. Idiots.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Shan, Liana, Erika
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander has an extra vote and an immunity idol. Shan has an immunity idol. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - A plan was hatched on the beach to take out Shan without her knowing. To do so, Ricard, Erika, Heather, and Xander would need Deshawn to be on board. Deshawn leaped at the opportunity because Ricard told him that Shan let him know that was the plan was to blindside Ricard, but he won immunity. Deshawn informed Danny and they decided to turn on Shan, breaking up the black player alliance. Erika decided to split the vote between Shan and Liana, and if Shan played her idol, Liana would go home. Danny was hesitant because that would mean he's burning both black women. But Deshawn didn't care.
What was the reason? - The blindside was completed. In the end, the only person Shan could trust was Liana.
My Favorite Player of the Week
This week I have to acknowledge Erika, who has been extremely polarizing the last few weeks, for getting it done when she needed to. Shan was out for her neck, and Erika won immunity when she needed to. In addition she was able to really play it up with Heather in convincing Naseer that Heather was the target going home, which made Naseer so comfortable that he didn't play his immunity. Erika turned on the tears and everything. Great job and you have to like her spot because she has her old tribe and the ones on the bottom to work with.
Tribes Spilt: Double Elimination
This week the tribe was split into tow groups for the immunity challenge and two immunities were awarded and two players were voted out. This was huge because the random split of the tribe played a large part into who would go home at each tribal, because the relationships and advantages in play at each tribal.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Naseer and Heather
Possible Advantages in Play - Shan has an extra vote and an immunity idol. Naseer has an Immunity Idol. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - No real drama, just a lot of deception. The entire group played Naseer into believing that Heather was the obvious vote and that she would be going home. But really it was a ploy to make sure Naseer did not use his immunity idol and that they could blindside him.
What was the reason? - Naseer fell for the trap and did not use his idol. Because Shan and Ricard didn't fully trust Erika and Heather, Shan used her extra vote and the initial vote was a tie, 3-3. Once it was a vote only between Naseer and Heather, they stacked the votes on Naseer and sent him home blindsided.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Evvie and Liana
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander has an extra vote and an immunity idol. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - After seeing that Naseer was voted out earlier, clearly Danny was shocked and taken aback. Going in the plan was framed from two different perspectives, Deshawn, Evvie and Xander voting out Liana, and from the perspective of Danny and Liana wanting to make sure Deshawn sticks with the plan of voting out Evvie. At tribal everyone played it cool and felt that there plan was the plan.
What was the reason? - Xander got tricked. Much like Naseer earlier, Xander felt so comfortable believing that he and Evvie had flipped Deshawn, that he chose not to play his idol on Evvie, which would have guaranteed that one of Danny or Liana went home. Instead he stuck with his guns like he did the previous two tribal councils, and it finally worked against him. Now Xander is alone, on an island. Deshawn either never had any intention of flipping and was tricking Evvie and Xander all along, or he was impressed that Shan didn't vote out Heather, his ally, and instead sacrificed Naseer, whom she liked, so he stayed true to the alliance. Who knows for sure.
My Favorite Player of the Week
For the second week in a row I think the best player of the week was Xander, for having the courage not to blow his advantages and fall for the trap. The plan was for Xander to think he was in trouble, so he would play his immunity idol, unnecessarily, and the tribe would vote out Tiffany in a blindside. However so many names were thrown out there, and Ricard was pushing so hard for Xander to use his idol at tribal, that he picked up on the rouse, and opted not to use his advantages and was safe. Very ballsy move for the second week in a row. Also Xander played the game this week, opting not only to sit out of both challenges to a garner favor with the group, but he also cut ties with Evvie and Tiffany and made it clear he was willing to work with anyone. He showed a lot of flexibility, which I like out of Survivor players. He's making a goo case for himself, but he will have to win many of these challenges if he hopes to make it far. Huge threat.
Immunity Challenge Forfeit for Food
This week's "twist" involved giving the tribe a choice. Players could choose to sit out the immunity challenge and earn rice for the tribe. In order to do so, they had to negotiate with Jeff on how many players needed to sit out in order to gain the large bag of rice for the group.
Shan stepped up as lead negotiator and was able to pressure Xander, Naseer and Ricard into joining her, which earned the tribe the large bag of rice. This was a risky move for Ricard especially, as all the rest have hidden immunity idols. This was a move done partly due to hunger, but also for to build goodwill with the tribe.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Xander, Tiffany, Naseer, and Heather
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander and Shan both have an extra vote and an immunity idol. Naseer has an Immunity Idol. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - Everything was going smooth and and it was looking like the target would be kept inconspicuous, until Heather interjected and asked to scramble after Jeff said it was time to vote. Then all hell broke loose. Heather attempted to flip the vote, scared that she was in trouble for some reason. When the plan was always to flush Xander's idol and vote out Heather. Because of the scramble, many wanted to vote out Heather or Xander, but Deshawn wouldn't allow it, and he and Shan had an awkward encounter. Because tensions got high between Deshawn and Shan, she decided to allow him to have his way.
What was the reason? - Basically Deshawn pouted until he got his way. Not only did they vote out Tiffany, who was powerless, they failed to get Xander to play his idol. The funniest part was Ricard trying to convince Xander that he was in trouble and to play his idol. Tiffany was basically collateral damage.
My Favorite Player of the Week
Without question, the best player this week was Xander. Not only did he use the threat of his immunity idol perfectly, but he was able to avoid needing to use it, while retaining both his allies. Xander built the right relationships that allowed him to find out that Liana was planning to steal his idol, so he planted seeds and spread information that created doubt. He made a fake idol and completely fooled Liana into trying to take his idol, when he had in fact not kept, not given it to Evvie, but gave it to Tiffany! I was shocked by the Tiffany part. But the best move Xander made was having the balls to not waste the idol on Evvie. He stuck with his guns, no matter how much Evvie begged him, and it paid off. He now has his idol and extra vote heading into next week where every player will be available for votes. Great week for Xander, as he was extremely impressive.
Hourglass is Smashed
Last week, Erica was presented an hourglass and given a choice to change the course of history or keep things the same. If Erica wished to "reverse" the events of the last immunity challenge, she would destroy the hourglass, which stripped the winning team's immunity. In turn, Erica and the members of the losing team would be given individual immunity instead, while the members of the winning team would be forced to compete in the individual Immunity Challenge. Erica chose to smash the glass, and flipped the results. The winners were pissed.
Knowledge is Power Wasted
Liana used her "Knowledge is Power" advantage at Tribal council, and attempted to steal Xander's hidden immunity idol. The problem was Xander knew her plan, and gave his advantage to Tiffany, and faked out Liana by keeping a fake idol in his pocket. It was one of the most embarrassing moments in the shows history. LOL.
Shot in the Dark Failed
Feeling as though her back was against the wall, Sydney chose to roll her "Shot in the Dark" die, in an attempt to gain automatic immunity at tribal. Unfortunately for her it failed and she lost her vote, which was needed.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Evvie, Deshawn, and Sydney
Possible Advantages in Play - Liana possessed the "Knowledge is Power" advantage. Xander and Shan both possessed an extra vote and an immunity idol. Naseer possessed an Immunity Idol, and Deshawn possessed an extra vote. Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune.
Did Any Drama Occur? - Coming in, Liana planned to use her "Knowledge is power" advantage to take away Xander's immunity idol, turning on her old tribe, and voting out Evvie. But her plan was spoiled when Tiffany told the old YASA that Liana was hiding the advantage and had turned on them, joining Shan. So they planned to trick her into asking Xander for the advantage, and he would instead give her a fake idol. This worked to perfection and Liana looked like an idiot. This caused the voting block of Liana, Shan, Danny, Deshawn, and Naseer to scramble and we got a live tribal, where everyone got up and talked about the vote in groups. It was nuts. And because the half the tribe was immune and there were so few options, the discussions were rapid and tight!
What was the reason? - Xander bluffed everyone, making them believe that he gave Evvie his immunity idol, therefore she would be safe from the vote. So as old YASA pointed their aim at voting out Deshawn, the old LUVU and UA tribes bound together to split the votes between Evvie and Sydney. This would have flushed the immunity idol had the vote been tied between Sydney and Evvie, but the problem is Sydney got cold feet and played her shot in the dark, which meant she could not vote. Had she voted against Evvie, it would have been a 5-5-3 vote, and in the revote, everyone of YASA would have stacked their votes on Evvie and sent her home. But Sydney messed that up by playing her shot in the dark and she was instead voted out. Crazy.
Not the Merge?
Instead of a regular merge, the players picked a buff out of a bag and divided everyone into three groups, with five players on a blue team (Danny, Deshawn, Sydney, Ricard, Evvie) and five players on a yellow team (Xander, Tiffany, Liana, Shan, and Heather) and two players on no team (Naseer and Erika).
The team who won the challenge (Blue) automatically made the merge, and the team who didn't (Yellow) would have to compete for individual immunity and then vote someone out before said merge happened. Also, the team who won (Blue) then selected one person who sat out the challenge to join them at the feast with a FastPass to the merge (Naseer), and then had to send the other person to Exile Island for two nights (Erika).
Erika was offered a massive power: the power to completely flip everything so that she as well as those who lost the challenge were all safe and on to the merge, while those who won the challenge (and Naseer) now had to compete for individual immunity with one of them being voted out before the official merge.
My Favorite Player(s) of the Week
For those who watch Big Brother like I do, the six Black contestants on that show this summer all formed an alliance and trounced the competition, ousting everyone else and making the show's final six its most dominant alliance ever. And here we had Shan, Liana, Danny, and Deshawn talking about essentially doing the same thing. Whether they are all actually on board remains to be seen, but allow me to say this: If they do all join forces and ride it all the way to the final four, I do not want to hear a single garbage cry of "reverse racism" or any of that absolute nonsense. If you have a problem with four Black contestants aligning after 40 seasons' worth of all-white alliances, then it is time to turn off your television and take a long hard look in the mirror.
Knowledge is Power
This week's advantage was awarded when a player from two different tribes were taken to another island where they are given a choice between protecting or risking their vote on their next visit to Tribal Council. If both chose to "protect", they kept their votes. If both chose to "risk", neither of them would be able to vote at their next Tribal Council. If there is a split decision, the person who chose "protect" got to keep their vote, and the one who chose "risk" would get an advantage.
Knowledge is Power: A player may ask another if they possess a Hidden Immunity Idol or an advantage at Tribal Council in which the other party cannot lie. If they do have either, the asker may steal it from them. If the player asked does not have either, the advantage is rendered powerless. In the event that the player asked has more than one advantage in possession, it is up to them which advantage to give up and they do not need to reveal every advantage they have. This advantage can be played until there are six players left.
Knowledge is Power: A player may ask another if they possess a Hidden Immunity Idol or an advantage at Tribal Council in which the other party cannot lie. If they do have either, the asker may steal it from them. If the player asked does not have either, the advantage is rendered powerless. In the event that the player asked has more than one advantage in possession, it is up to them which advantage to give up and they do not need to reveal every advantage they have. This advantage can be played until there are six players left.
My Favorite Player of the Week
Naseer is my MVP of the week because not only has he been an asset around camp that his tribe can't get rid of, but he was the sole reason, for two weeks in a row, that Danny and Deshawn couldn't throw the Challenge. He wouldn't have it. He is determined to keep the tribe strong, and he won the immunity challenge for Luvu. Then the best part was the flashback to him finding the secret advantage. LOL!! "I'm confused as a goat on Astroturf!!" Now heading into a possible merge, Naseer has a secret idol and strong allies. Great week for him.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Genie and Ricard
Possible Advantages in Play - Each player could choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune from elimination. Shan possessed JD's extra vote and an immunity idol after completing the three person secret mission at the last immunity challenge.
Did Any Drama Occur? - It basically came down to the decision for Shan to stick with Ricard and vote out Genie or join Genie and blindside Ricard. Shan is the power player here, and she did everything possible to make sure Genie didn't feel unsecure enough to roll her dice.
What was the reason? - Shan chose to stick with Ricard, who she has been with from the beginning. Genie got played, as they conspired to sneak and open her secret advantage and activated it without her knowledge. It was a straight forward vote in reality but Shan did a great job making Genie think it wasn't. Now they are down to 2.
My Favorite Player of the Week
At this point, is it really a question of who is my MVP of the week? Shan once again was masterful. Not only was she the brain behind everything that happened this week with the elimination of JD, but she was hilarious and so entertaining in the process. We got the return of the Shan-them, the little song she hums when she's doing evil, and it was glorious! Shan had her choice of voting our Genie or JD this week and she did so in such a fun way. The masterful way she swindled JD out of his extra vote and manipulated him into believing that she thought she was in trouble was so hilarious, because it should have never worked! But she knew that JD would fall for it. I loved this so much. Shan is the type of player that could go all the way, or be taken out once people know just how dangerous she is. I am excited to see how far she can take this.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - JD and Genie were both in danger heading into tribal.
Possible Advantages in Play - No powers in play but each person can choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune from elimination. In addition, Shan tricked JD into giving her his extra vote advantage for safe keeping prior to tribal counsel as a sign of.... trust.
Did Any Drama Occur? - Genie was clearly on the outs and the apparent boot after the tribe blindsided her and voted out Brad last week. But before tribal she told JD she was thinking of playing her shot in the dark, and they they could vote out Ricard. JD runs straight to Ricard to blab. Shan worries that JD will work with Genie, and since she knows about his extra vote advantage, she starts scheming. She purposely tells JD that she thinks he’s plotting against her, but really, it’s a ploy to get him to hand over his advantage again. Much of tribal was both tribal to fake out the other making it seem like they knew they were the target, when really, they didn't.
What was the reason? - In the end JD is blindsided and voted out by Genie, Ricard, and Shan. He's stunned. Voted out and Shan has his advantage in her pocket. Should Shan have kept JD longer, maybe, but he was such a loose cannon and unpredictable. Genie is far more steady and predictable. Sad to see JD go as he was train wreck fun and brought a lot of enjoyment to the show.
Beware Advantage
This week, advantages were hidden at all three camps, some in plain sight, in packages labeled, "Beware Advantage", the contents of which may only be obtained if its finder opened it and did what the note said.
- If the finder opted to open the package they had to leave camp secretly in the middle of the night and board a boat to another island.
- If they chose not to complete the mission, they would lose their vote at tribal.
- The finder from all three tribes met and had another "Prisoner's Dilemma", where they had to choose whether to vie for a tarp for their tribe or opt for the "Steal A Vote" advantage.
- If all three choose tarp, they keep their votes, no advantage is in play.
- If all three choose advantage, none of them will be able to vote.
- If there is a split decision, those who chose tarp get to keep their votes, but those who chose to go for the advantage will get the "Steal A Vote".
My Favorite Player of the Week
For the second time in three weeks, Shan is once again my favorite player of the week. This woman is very intelligent and the way she maneuvers and makes bonds with people is extremely impressive. This week displayed such a great example of her magnetism, as she once again found herself as the deciding factor on who was going home, and was able to sell it in such away that made it seem like the decision was extremely difficult for her to turn on one of her allies, when in fact she basically had final two's with everyone on the tribe.
The fact that Brad chose to tell Shan about not one but both of the advantages he found, even after he didn't even tell Genie, his supposed number one about one of them, only is a testament of how she draws each person in and disarms them. Its pretty scary considering she's a Pastor and so good at the lying and deceit part, LOL. Then for her to spot JD's advantage in his pants and pull him up about not telling her, and making him feel bad about it, while making him indebted to her forever, was MASTERFUL. And to top it off, he gave her the damn advantage to hold as collateral. Wow, wow, wow. Shan was sensational.
The fact that Brad chose to tell Shan about not one but both of the advantages he found, even after he didn't even tell Genie, his supposed number one about one of them, only is a testament of how she draws each person in and disarms them. Its pretty scary considering she's a Pastor and so good at the lying and deceit part, LOL. Then for her to spot JD's advantage in his pants and pull him up about not telling her, and making him feel bad about it, while making him indebted to her forever, was MASTERFUL. And to top it off, he gave her the damn advantage to hold as collateral. Wow, wow, wow. Shan was sensational.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - JD and Brad were both in danger heading into tribal.
Possible Advantages in Play - Brad opted to take the Beware Advantage, and now will not be able to vote until a member from the two other tribes finds the advantage and says the secret phrase at the Immunity Challenge. In addition, Brad was awarded the secret "Steal a Vote" advantage by completing the secret mission. However all three phrases have not been said and since Brad can not vote, he can not steal a vote. No powers in play but each person can choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune from elimination.
Did Any Drama Occur? - The biggest drama surrounded JD, who was the obvious target heading into Tribal. JD messed up in the immunity challenge and basically took the blame for not being able to throw the sandbags on the platform after talking a big game beforehand. He basically threw himself on the mercy of the tribe and gave a very touching speech about how Survivor helped him his whole life to have confidence and overcome being a nerdy guy who was bullied. It was a hell of a speech. But Shan, whom I think was acting so that Brad wouldn't know he was the real target and use any of his advantages, was still hard on JD for lying and burning the bridge. It was a masterful decoy performance. Elsewhere, there is beef between Ricard and Genie, as Ricard reference how Genie voted for him at the first tribal, and how they didn't trust each other. There was a lot of info here.
What was the reason? - In the end Brad was voted out by JD, Ricard, and Shan. It made sense that they went this way and got Brad out of the game while none of his advantages were active and while he was disarmed. Shan and Ricard decided to basically hold JD hostage, as he owes them for saving him, and he needs to whatever he can to regain their trust. This completed an excellent week for Shan in my opinion.
Beware Advantage
Disguised as the "Beware Advantage", the player who finds it may either open its package and do what it says, or leave it unopened in its hiding place.
- If the player decides to open the advantage, it reveals a piece of the Hidden Immunity Idol, but it remains powerless unless the idols from the other camps had found theirs.
- To activate the idol, all three finders must dictate their respective code phrases written in the note that came with their idol before an Immunity Challenge.
- If the code phrases were not completed, the idol remained powerless, and its owner will be indefinitely blocked from voting at Tribal Council.
My Favorite Player of the Week
My favorite player from the week was Evvie, who was pretty much masterful at every turn throughout the episode. Not only was Evvie directly in the middle and the swing between the men and women on the YASA tribe, but she was able to make a connection and share information with Deshawn from the LUVU tribe, which will undoubtedly pay off dividends down the road. Evvie took the information Xander gave her about his advantages and leveraged it for collateral of her own. It was genius. Then she could chose if she wanted to send Xander home as Tiffany Liana wanted, send David home as Tiffany wanted, or just send Tiffany home as both the men wanted. She truly was able to balance the power of information and set herself up as the most powerful person on the YASA tribe. Great week for Evvie and I'm excited to see how far she can go.
Tribal Council Results
Players in the Hot Seat - Tiffany, David, and Xander were all in danger heading into tribal.
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander opted to take the Beware Advantage, and now will not be able to vote until a member from the two other tribes finds the advantage and says the secret phrase at the Immunity Challenge. Each person can choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune from elimination.
Did Any Drama Occur? - Evvie and Liana tried to assure Tiffany that they had her back and that voting out Xander, while they know his advantage wouldn't save him, was the best move. But she was completely unwilling to listen or compromise and really could have gotten herself voted out for being difficult to deal with.
What was the reason? - The women stuck together. Tiffany insisted that the women vote out David instead of Xander, because she didn't trust that Xander wouldn't use an advantage to save himself. This was a dumb move because it showed a lack of trust by Tiffany towards Evvie, who told Tiffany that she saw the advantage Xander has, and tried to assure Tiffany that there was no way for him to save himself. But Tiffany would not compromise. I would not be surprised that if they lose again, Liana and Evvie could decide to cut Tiffany as not only was she a headache to collaborate with, but she was terrible in every challenge they have competed in.
Double Tribal Council
On Day 3, only the first place tribe won immunity, sending both losing tribes to Tribal Council to vote out one person each. Time will tell if this continues until the merge, but if this sticks, a strong team is most important.
Shot in the Dark Die
By sacrificing your vote at Tribal Council, a player in trouble may invoke this advantage for a chance to be immune from the vote. While the chance of a favorable outcome is slim, if successful, the Shot in the Dark acts as a Hidden Immunity Idol. Each player has a chance to play it one time, while they are in the voting booth.
Risk/Protect Your Vote
On Day 2, one member from each tribe were whisked to a separate island where they were given a "prisoner's dilemma" between protecting or risking their votes on their first trip to Tribal Council.
- If all three choose "protect", they keep their votes.
- If all three choose "risk", none of them will be able to vote.
- If there is a split decision, those who chose "protect" get to keep their votes
- Those who chose "risk" will get an extra vote.
My Favorite Player of the Week
My favorite player from week one is the Pastor from DC, Shantel Smith. Shan popped on the screen in the premiere and was both strategic, funny, endearing, and central to the action. Her confessional where she described the song she hums in her head when she's up to no good was GLOURIOUS!!! LOL!! I loved it! And even though she was on the puzzle when her tribe failed to win the immunity challenge, she somehow found herself as the swing vote and the most powerful position. I think Shan will be a major player in this game.
Tribal Council Results - 1
Players in the Hot Seat - Eric and Tiffany were both in danger heading into tribal.
Possible Advantages in Play - Xander earned the Extra Vote by risking his vote correctly in the Prisoner's dilemma challenge. He decided to hold on to it and can play it at a later date. Each person can choose to roll their "Shot in the Dark" die for a 1-6 chance to be immune from elimination.
Did Any Drama Occur? - No real fireworks, just Eric explaining why he believed they needed to keep the tribe strong by voting out Tiffany and Tiffany defending herself and her worth to the tribe over Eric.
What was the reason? - The women of the tribe, mainly Evvie, were able to convince the other guys to keep Tiffany over Eric. Eric was pushing hard for the weak players to go and that made him a target. He was shocked.
Tribal Council Results - 2
Players in the Hot Seat - Shantel and Sara failed on the puzzle in the immunity challenge. JD (Jarious) was a target of Ricard and Sara because he talks to much and they don't trust him for some reason. And Brad made himself a target because he told Sara and Shantel to their face that they were on the chopping block.
Possible Advantages in Play - JD earned the Extra Vote by risking his vote correctly in the Prisoner's dilemma challenge. He decided to hold on to it and can play it at a later date.
Did Any Drama Occur? - This was a live tribal, as while JD was talking whispering and discussion emerged from Ricard, Sara, and Shantel. A full out chaotic discussion broke out between the player and they got up and talked to each other about the vote. Shantel assured JD they she has him and is loyal to him. Brad told JD that nothing changed and they needed to stick to the plan. Sara tried to get involved but was shut out.
What was the reason? - Sara and Ricard were openly targeting JD, and that was relayed back to him by Shan and Brad. Those three appear to be an alliance. But Ricard, who earlier was against JD, voted with them, so clearly we missed something. And Genie voted against Ricard, so it appeared she was out the loop, but throughout the episode it appeared she was closely aligned with Shan, so I don't know about that one. Should be some fall out.