CC's WWE Summerslam 2018 PPV Review
On Sunday night WWE Presented their Summerslam PPV and today I give a full review of the entire show and rank each match as PPV Worthy or Worthless. Overall I thought it was a good show that could have been so much better if they cut out a lot of the filler that would have been much better served happening on TV.
I don't think they could have done this any better. We all knew the crowd was going to try to hijack this match, and infusing Stroman into the situation actually stopped that from happening and added an element of intrigue to the situation. I don't mind the way Roman won, I don't mind that Brock stopped Braun from cashing in, and I loved that they quickly crowned Roman and ended the show before it got ugly. Great job!
I loved this match. Joe's promo work at the beginning and end pretty much sums up why he's one of the best to ever step inside the ring and why he will make a great heel champion. The story they told made sense, and a DQ ending, which will lead to a rematch with even more bad blood between these two, is exactly what we should have gotten. Loved this.
While I really don't think Bryan should be losing as much as he has been since he returned, this at least made sense with the story they are telling between these two. But it only highlights how dumb it was for Bryan to lose matches he lost earlier this year. This should have been his first lost, and something Miz could really use a s a bragging chip. The feud will continue because Miz cheated, and I thoroughly enjoyed this match. Bryan is phenomenal.
This was the perfect match to open the main card, as the crowd was hot and they built to a very good match with some pretty great high spots down the stretch. These two can have a great match any time, if the booking and stipulation doesn't work against them like it did in the Iron man match last month. Ambrose and McIntyre played their roles perfectly as well.
I was absolutely dreading this match. I could not understand for the life of me why this was even added to the show. When Corbin came out, that late in the show, I instantly got angry. Bt then, in a rare moment, they actually surprised me. Finn returned in his Demon gimmick, that he only brings out in big spots. And the crowd went nuts. Then he destroyed Corbin quickly and won. this was actually quite perfect and the crowd loved it. Great job.
I went back and forth on this one. Let me be clear, this match, the actual wrestling, sucked. Carmella was in on every damn spot and she is a terrible wrestler. The finish, with Charlotte winning yet again, and pinning Becky to boot, super sucked. I felt it was time to pull the trigger on Becky. But the only reason I decided to put this in the PPV worthy section is because Becky finally snapped and justifiably beat the shit out of the glory hog Charlotte.
I thought these guys worked their ass off to have a good match and had their not been so many other matches that we didn't need on the show, this would have been received so much better. But instead it had no heat and was stuck on the pre show. But still it was good enough to be PPV worthy.
Speaking of working your ass off and the crowd not giving a shit. These guys beat the shit out of each other, and in the end, we got a DQ finish after a long tag match. Which tells me, the match could have happened on Smackdown, had better crowd heat, and we would could have gotten a winner and new champions crowned. This instead was a waste of time and a way to put more people on a show that had far too many matches. The wrestled hard, but booking hurt them bad.
I hated this match. I hated it going in, and I hated having to watch this pathetic, long, drawn out squash. All it did was make me angry that this is what the women's title has sunken to, while Sasha and Bayley weren't even on the show. I hated this shit and Ronda's stupid eye shadow. Everything that is wrong with the booking of the women in this company.
Did we really need to see Kevin Owens get murdered again? Poor guy. Talk about a fall from grace. He would be killing it in NJPW, ROH, and featured on All In. Quit Kevin, please.
Nakamura is great, don't get me wrong. Ad I'm glad he won. But this match was not needed, especially that late in the show. It was unnecessary and Hardy is not exciting anymore.
The B Team is a joke, and unfortunately, every time they win is a joke. So them beating the Revival, one of the, if not the greatest teams in NXT history, in the the joke manner in which they did, was a fucking joke.
This was another match that could have happened on Smackdown, been given more time and been a whole lot more entertaining. A waste.
Overall: I think there were too many matches on the show and had they trimmed four or five of the matches off the card, this could have been really great. Sometimes, less is more. Asking your fans to sit through a si hour show is alot to ask, and if they are going to do it, you can't book dissatisfying finishes that make them angry or not want to waste their time again.
Overall, it was a good show, but for Summerslam, we deserve great.
Overall, it was a good show, but for Summerslam, we deserve great.